
Jul 14, 2006 14:24

The Ship is a game with a trailer that makes me giggle. It is Julliet 14, Jour de Bastille, and my brulée was fickle. I know not why I spent lunch alone, regarding my research as a land unknown.

All that is left to me now is the memory of lunch.

Last night I watched Nochnoy Dozor--(Night Watch). Terribly average Russian-Americana action. I would have liked to have experienced a smidge more consistency as far as the protagonists motives went. And where was the leader of the Light in the last scene anyway? The close was like a sequel bitch-slap; "there will be another!" And another. The sfx were nicely woven in, but I suspect The Ship could be more suspenseful.

I have chapters to write, but I need to be at the AFB at 4.30pm this afternoon. Given that it's just after 2pm now I think I'll just read about Spinoza or something.

Yesterday I caught up with Sally. We haven't seen each other in a year or more, so it was nice to spend a few hours wandering around Brisbane with her. We're in agreement that the subtropical climate of south-eastern Queensland is better suited for living than most other places we've been. In our wandering I saw the new translation of Badiou's Being and Event in Borders but resisted buying it because when I started flicking through I saw symbols that resemble the runes of algebra. While I recognised several sets to be Lacan's formulae of sexuality, I'm not convinced that Badiou's 'mathematical turn' is going to save existence from its own conundrums.

Seeing Sally set me back into some sense of direction I suppose. Normally I'd lunge at the opportunity to sate my contemporary theory fetish. Today I actually managed to spend the morning writing. I know, I'm agog too.

bâtons de langue, everyday symbolic fiction

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