Most embarassing moment ever

May 04, 2005 18:59

So I was walking the the mall Tuessay DVD release day woohoo and I had the urge to fart. Well I was holding it in while I was in a crowded area....event though I love to leave a silent trailer..those are awesome. anyway as Im walking I realize this is going to be a loud one so I held it in as I walked fron store to store. So I get the gurgling going and realize that this is going to come out no matter what so I ended my shopping as was heading fo the exit. I wanted to release it either outside or in the corridor between the inside door and the outside door. So as I approached the exit I did a quick glance behind me to make sure noone was behind me after seeing was safe I entered the corridor and as I released the monster of all farts the most beautiful girl I have ever seen enters the mall. Just as it hits the peak of squeking she frickin enters No way to stop it Im past the point off no return so it just went. I glance over to her as she oasses my way and she gives a little chuckle...she enters the mall and I stare at her ass(Im a guy sue me) and I see her head bobbing as she is oprobably still laughing at my embarassment. I will probably never see this girl again but if she ever sees me again my first impression to her was I farted real loud in front of her.......Jesus frickin christ....
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