Get Fucked Up

May 23, 2005 02:36

Hey everyone ... i'm really fucking bored and just thought i would let y'all in on a lil secret of mine but you have to keep it hush hushed b/c we don't want to EVERYONE to know my lil secret ... i have faith in you guys that i can trust you tho w/ my lil secret so here is my lil secret

and i also FUCKING LOVE BEER it tastes so damn good i can't help it, its like pop to me now i drink it w/ almost every single meal, its the 1st thing i drink in the morning when i wake up .. i reach into my personal fridge beside my bed (which is filled w/ nothing but beer) and crack open a can of beer but thats not all i drink
Jack Daniel's whiskey is MY FUCKING BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD yup JD and i have stayed up many a nights just drinking away our sorrows, pains, and just for the hell of it's

everyone should GET FUCKED UP more often i mean ... it has done wonders for me

well i think JD and i are gonna go have another guys night and you know the best part to it YOU'RE NOT INVITED HAH HAH FUCKERS

so now for my sign off: FUCK YOU to all of you SHIT BRICK BUMS

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