whats up y'all

May 17, 2005 21:52

Hey hey hey whats up everyone ... i had completely forgotten about this i think the last time i had actually logged in on this thing was b4 graduation last year...well you'll have that sometimes...

i just finished up my freshman year of college...it was fucking awesome...
My College Highlights:
1) After my first day of classes (a Monday) i went to the opening school year party thrown by a frat up at school .. i drank so damn much that i got some severe alcohol poisoning the doc's say and i had to have my stomach pumped .. that was quite an experience to go down in the books lmfao :-D
2) I blew my knee out the first day of wrestling practice and couldn't get back to wrestling 4 2months :(
3) I started talking to a girl up there and she completely fucked me over and i told her that she needed to burn at the stake w/ her broom tide to her but first needed to endure the pains of having her boobs cut off w/ a dull knife blade and hands sawed off by a dull saw blade
4) My parents kicked off their car insurance b/c of the stomach pumping incident
5) I made a 2.87 for my first semester :-D
6) Came home for christmas break ... my favorite dog who was MY DOG was poisoned christmas week by 1 of my neighbors w/ anti-freeze :'(
7) My parents put me back on their car insurance since i made such good grades for my 1st semester
8) 2nd semester i got a whole lot tougher classes but that was ok
9) Mine and Steve's (my roommate) room became the big hang out room and drinking room lol :) I LOVE DRINKING BEER
10) I blew my knee out again and got a severe staf infection that went septic in my right leg missed a whole week of classes b/c i had to come home to get treated
11) I blew my knee out again for the 3rd time getting another severe septic staf infection in my right leg and had to have knee surgery ... missed a whole week of classes w/ that
12) Got busted for being in a room w/ everyone that was drinking but luckly didn't get in trouble at all for it b/c i am just that damn good :-D
13) Met a new girl and started talking to her ... and yes she fucked me over really really good also ... in fact it was a complete ass destruction from her w/ my emotions (i'm becoming soft in my older years :( what the fuck is wrong w/ me i need to quit falling for girls i'm a fucking man for God sake, my name is Peter and it means i'm strong as a rock why the hell am i letting myself fall for girls like this, thats not suppose to happen)
14) I got trashed a whole whole lot this semester HeHeHe :-D.... I LOVE JACK DANIELS!!!
15) I joined a frat and my big is fucking cool as arctic ice
16) 1 night i got completely trashed w/ my big and passed out in his room and he shaved my right leg ... the hair is still growing back lol
... there are millions of other things but i just don't have the time right now to think of them all and write 'em out

it feels really weird being home now ... i miss all of my buddy's from school :( but the frat is having a huge party over the summer sometime in june so i'm gonna drive up for that :-D can't wait i'm gonna get so fucking demaulished

well i'll tty'all later

Peace out
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