I have been chosen, by an unknown force… I do not know if it is friend or foe. But it’s been investigating me for quite some time. At this point in time, you might be wondering what the hell I’m talking about, and how I know I was chosen. I will tell you, in due time. Perhaps the next sentence, the one right after this, will hold the answers to your questions. Maybe it won’t, maybe the next sentence, the one after this will hold the answers to your questions. Conceivably it won’t, maybe the next sentence, the one after this will hold the answers to your questions. I will tell you one thing, this force is capable of turning invisible, and maybe I will tell you another. I am capable of sensing this force, but when I do, it’s to horrifying to keep under control. Those few precious seconds where I do cease the force from concealing it self, I look it straight in the eye, and say… “You’ll never get away with it… not on my watch” then I lose control. Then it responds, but alas I know no combination of keys on the keyboard that can mimic its reply. From what I have gotten from my memories, I have drawn out the force, in all its glory. (Due to the fact that I’m a extreme novice at drawing, don’t hold this picture in high regard)
A bird… That is concealing, what I believe is a bird type face, with a bird type mask. It just stands there, motionless, careless, almost as if it is a vessel and the real threat is inside…
If any of you, have any information at all, about birds in bird masks, or anything else of the kind. Please notify me immediately. Your assistance is appreciated.