Why do people always want what they cant have?

Oct 17, 2003 06:28

I had a really fun dream last night. i was walking with hanna and my mom and we were at a really beautiful deserted beach. it was blueish green and really deep..i looked over my shoulder and all i could see was the white sprays of mist coming from the waves. then i looked over and there was this fuckin huge ass waterspout like 20 feet away. it went from the water to an island and it was still water..on the island and then we sat on a rock and just smoked and we were good. i dont remember the rest. So...i really like corey and it sucks because he did like me too but ever since stephen hes been a dick. fuck. stephen wasnt even worth not getting corey. fucking shit. whatever. my concert was..um...interesting. mark, jese, and josh showed up. thanks guys...and josh gave me flowers oh joy! im such a dork. anywho. i went to jese's to smoke with hanna yesterday. we had a grand ol' time. ive been over there like every fucking day this week and i have a good feeling that im gunna be there again today. nothin better than friends and free bud. i should smoke them out one day...going over to seans new apartment today!! i was gunna go with byron...but id rather go smoke with jese because no one ever even shows up at seans til like 8. hrm. i wish i knew his apt. #.....haha. so that cubs fan...what a douchebag eh? i feel sorry for him. ok school time. maybe it will be fun today? camille...you need to sex up pretty paul. thats all i have to say.

staring at the sea
will she come?
is there hope for me
after all is said and done
anything at any price
all of this for you
all the spoils of a wasted life
all of this for you
all the world has closed her eyes
tried faith all worn and thin
for all we could have done
and all that could have been
ocean pulls me close
and whispers in my ear
the destiny I've chose
all becoming clear
the currents have their say
the time is drawing near
washes me away
makes me disappear
I descend from grace
in arms of undertow
I will take my place
in the geat below
I can still feel you
even so far away
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