i know this music

Jun 26, 2010 10:08

Characters: The Joker / All (yes, all  :3)
When: June 26th
Where: The Apartment Block
Rating: R [For violence!]
Summary: The Joker makes a second strike against the Nesrecans

time to change the beat. )

hitsugaya toushirou [ou], *incomplete, canada [ou], *open, matt [ou], aoyagi ritsuka [au], fay d. flourite [ou], uchiha sasuke [ou], charles f offdensen [ou], the joker [ou], vera solomon [oc], mello [au], noriko ashida [ou], wolfgang grimmer [ou]

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smilinggrimmer June 28 2010, 10:10:35 UTC
When Vera showed Grimmer the PDA's message, he nodded quickly once he read it, and began to watch behind them as they ran down the stairs. Despite his injured ankle, he did a very good job following behind her. His foot felt weak and it did hurt, but he'd be able to continue running until things were safe. He'd deal with any extra injuries to it once they got out.

Grimmer was able to catch his balance by leaning against the side wall as the missiles struck the floor above them. Once the explosions were finished, he immediately spun around, and hissed as he watched smoke increasing emit from the staircase leading to the eight floor. Judging by the location of the explosion, either his or Vera's apartment was just totaled. But he wasn't really bothered by that. They didn't see Noriko on there way down, did they? "Scheisse. There was a blue haired girl on the 9th floor." His grip on his suitcase suddenly increased. It was unlikely that she had managed to get below before they had left their rooms, which meant she was trapped above.

Grimmer suddenly tried to pull his arm loose from Vera's grip. Once he succeeded, he dropped his suitcase and dashed up the staircase. However, his attempt was not very successful, and before he could even reach the top he was driven backwards by a wall of smoke and flame. Coughing through the top of his shirt pulled up to his face, Grimmer stumbled back down to the floor.

Other than his gagging, Grimmer was silent as he ran back to his suitcase and picked it up. However, his expression, which was normally either open and cheerful, or failing that, at least honest, had gained a much darker tone to it. Due to this monster clown's actions, innocent children were getting hurt. And there was nothing he could do about it. He despised the chaos surrounding him and the helplessness that he currently felt.

After Hitsugaya walked into the hallway and he informed the young boy of Noriko, Grimmer began to rush towards the sixth floor with Vera.


silent_basilisk June 28 2010, 19:21:21 UTC
When the missiles hit the floor above, Vera stumbled a bit before righting herself, letting out an irritated hiss as the sound of fire and smell of smoking emitted from the upper floors and the sight of it coming from the staircase leading to the eight floor only fuel her incredibly dark mood, although her expression still stayed eerily calm. This meant that those on the upper floor had more or less no chance of getting down and trying to go up would only guarantee getting trapped by the flames as well. And now they were firing at the apartment if the sound of gunfire was any indication, just fucking great.

“Blue haired girl?" The soldier thought in question, did he mean the lighting rod girl? Her momentary thought on this was enough for Grimmer to pull his arm out of her now looser grip and dash up the stairs. There was a flash of severe panic and fear before it was replaced by pure rage. “THAT FUCKING IDIOT!” She followed up behind him, gripping the stair rail and yet she saw him soon come down the steps coughing and gagging from the smoke on the floor above.

The part of the rail that she was gripping had completely crumbled due to the strength of her grip and the calm look on her face was now completely distorted to something far more darker and hateful, clearly showing the rage that was bubbling up instead her, the fear and panic that Grimmer’s act had caused having snapped one of the few strands of restraint. The frigid glare that she had fixed on Grimmer clearly showed something violent behind her eyes, it almost if she was about to attack him. And yet she looked almost scared and her slight shaking seemed to confirm this.

As she backed down the stairs and onto the floor, glare lightened a bit when she saw Grimmer’s face and a spark of concern showed on her expression for a second before it was squashed; she was aware of the feeling of helplessness in this situation and she knew the feeling of wanting to murder the fucking clown, but running into things like a fucking moron would only get him killed, and there was no way in hell she was letting that happen.

Which was why after Grimmer had finished talking to Hitsugaya and her calm mask was back in place, her renewed grip on his arm as they rushed down to the sixth floor was tight to the point that it would most likely almost hurt. She gritted her teeth as smoke and heat brushed against her face from the floor and the moment that they got off the stairs she more or less ran across the floor to the stairs down to the fifth floor, her grip on Grimmer’s arm keeping him upright even if he stumbled. There was no sound of people on that floor and it would be foolish to try and help if there were.

As they jogged down to the fifth floor, Vera typed another message on her PDA and made sure to slow down enough so that Grimmer could see it when she showed it to him- “Do that again and I’ll punch your fucking lights out.” The glare that she fixed on him confirmed that she wasn’t joking though there was also detectable worry on her face before the calm mask settled in place as she placed the PDA back in her pocket and resumed jogging down to the fifth floor.


smilinggrimmer June 29 2010, 09:01:03 UTC
Grimmer winced lightly from the grip, but was more focused on getting out alive to be bothered by the pain. After he failed at seeing if Noriko was trying to get through the smoke or flames, he did notice how panicked Vera had looked, and it left him utterly confused. He didn't really have any care for himself, and he had no clue what to think or feel when other people showed that they were concerned for him. Nonetheless, he did know that if something bad happened to him, than it would only stress and make things more difficult for Vera and the others. Which was not good. As much as he didn't know how he was suppost to feel about it, Vera was completely determined to get him out of here, and Grimmer had a feeling that no matter what he said or did, she would insist on getting him out no matter how much he slowed her down.

When Vera showed him the PDA message, The East German put on a cluelessly shocked expression. "Sorry, sorry! I promise I won't do that again than." Not that he felt like he even could if he wanted to; her grip really was very strong.

When they reached the bottom of the fifth floor, Grimmer pulled the collar of his shirt over his nose and mouth and crouched down, attempting to avoid the smoke that was building up at the top of the hallway. His height really did not help for situations like this. He wasn't sure when the apartment was made, but he really hoped the builders hadn't made it out of cheap materials that became toxic when burned.

"Wait." He paused momentarily at the bottom of the stairs, his rushed speaking slightly muffled from the cloth over his mouth. Judging by the amount of smoke collecting from the staircase in front of them, the fourth floor was going to be bad. "When I looked out the window ...this is probably going to be the worst level. If we can pass through this, we can probably get out safely." When he had looked out the window earlier, Grimmer noticed that either the third, fourth, or fifth floor had been struck the worst by the RPGs, and after that the fires on the lower floors were much lighter. He couldn't tell from the windowsill exactly which level it had been, but he now suspected from the smoke that the Fourth floor was probably it.

Still, this was not going to be very fun. If they fell unconscious from inhaling too much smoke, that would definitely spell the end of them. But they didn’t have any time to waste gawking at this. “Do you have any water bottles in your packsack?” Before even waiting for an answer, Grimmer began to quickly dig through her bag. “Stay close to the ground, and keep a wet cloth over your mouth.” If there were any water bottles in there, than he’d dump part of it on his collar and part of it on whatever Vera intended to cover her face with, before shoving it back in the packsack and zipping it up. If there weren't any water bottles, than they might as well cover their faces and try their best.


silent_basilisk June 29 2010, 17:12:01 UTC
When they got down to the fifth floor, Vera had pulled up her tank top to cover her nose and mouth as she crouched down by Grimmer; using her coat would only end up suffocating her due to the leather like material it was made out of. When Grimmer told her to wait, she was about to give him a glare before she saw the amount smoke rising from the fourth floor, shit this was going to be bad. So she nodded in agreement with Grimmer, they had to move quickly once they got down to that floor and the amount of smoke would probably blind them as well as choke them.

When Grimmer asked if she had any bottles of water, she was just about to nod at him before he started to dig through her bag. She gave him a look of “What the hell?”, and then just shrugged it off; she knew what he wanted them for so she wasn’t going to protest. She had gathered some from rivers to use in cooking, but this was far more important. As Grimmer found a bottle of water and poured a bit on his collar, Vera took a hair tie out of one of her pouches on her belt; the heat was causing her to sweat to the point that her hair was beginning to stick to her face and it would only get in the way.

When he was done with the water, Vera grabbed it out of his hand before pouring a bit down the front of her tank top; she didn’t care if it was an emergency, there was no way she was letting anyone pour water down her top. If Grimmer looked at her oddly because of it, she would only raise an eyebrow as if to say “What?” before placing the water bottle back in her bag and zipping it back up.

Once she had done this, she pulled the now wet top over her nose and mouth and pulled Grimmer along behind as they made their way down to the fourth floor. Not even half way down and the density of the smoke was beginning to make her eyes sting, if it wasn’t for wetting her top and using it as a filter, she would probably be gagging by now. She made sure they kept close to the ground as they got closer to the fourth floor, her grip on Grimmer’s arm tighter than before.

As they stepped onto the fourth floor, she was struggling to keep her eyes open without them tearing up and had begun to cough from the smoke. She moved their positions so that Grimmer was in front of her slightly while she made sure to stay at his side, almost acting as a shield for any flames or debris. The soldier more or less pushed Grimmer forward while moving as fast as possible while also making sure he didn’t stumble, the smoke now more or less blinding her as she begun to cough more harshly.

“If we keep going like this, we should-” The train of thought was cut as there was a shock of pain from her left leg. She automatically pushed Grimmer ahead of her, letting go of his arm in the process and moving her hand to his back as she stumbled; both to keep him going forward and as a reassurance that she was still behind him. As they got onto the stairs leading to the third floor, she took a look at her leg, letting out an irritated hiss when she saw it. It looked as though debris had fallen on it and torn through the fabric of her trousers, leaving a shallow but painful gash down the side of her leg which was now bleeding quite a bit. It wouldn’t hinder her that much, but it was still a pain in the ass.

“Just fucking great.”


smilinggrimmer June 30 2010, 11:05:22 UTC
When Vera snatched the waterbottle away, Grimmer simply nodded and grinned, appearing rather oblivious to why she had done it herself. Still, even though he was smiling, the way he clutched at the collar of his shirt showed that he really was anxious to get out of the building. As she put the water bottle away he heard the snapping and collapse of something in the apartment, and it caused him to flinch lightly.

As they ran down to the fourth floor, Grimmer also fought to keep his watering eyes open as he he held his beige sweater over his face. Since he was so tall, his crouching to avoid the smoke was particularly awkward, and by the time they reached the bottom steps he was struggling to keep himself from falling as they rushed forward.

When Vera shoved him in front of him, it didn't take Grimmer long to figure out that she was trying to shield him from the the debris, which left him feeling rather lost. Even though he knew that she was stronger than him and was perhaps trained to instinctively protect civilians, he just didn't like the idea of another person risking themselves to help him. He didn't really have what was mentally necessary to feel concern for his own wellbeing, and it was as though a unconscious portion of him just failed to see the point.

It was under that mentality that Grimmer became very worried when he realized that something had caused Vera to need to let go. He tried to turn his head and squint through the smoke, but that attempt quickly failed when she began to shove him forward. Now gagging through the smoke, Grimmer let himself be shoved forward and down the stairs, so that he could see if she was alright as soon as possible.

Once they were at the third level, Grimmer immediately spun around and looked down at the gash, struggling to see through his watery-stingy eyes. He quickly rubbed at his face until his eyesight felt clearer, allowing him to get a look at the wound. "That looks bad. Do you need help?"


silent_basilisk June 30 2010, 20:46:23 UTC
(OOC: I apologize if I'm making this go too fast. Dx )

Vera glanced at Grimmer then looked back at her leg as she wiped her stinging, watery eyes; she was made with faster healing than the average human and the steadily slowing blood flow showed that, but it would most likely need to be disinfected and bandaged. She looked completely unconcerned over the fact that she had sustained a rather bad wound, if anything she looked annoyed. It was always a pain to deal with wounds like this, and she wanted to get out of this building and kill the clown. But she had the sinking feeling that Grimmer would insist that she treat it.

With an irritated sigh, the young woman shook her head at Grimmer’s offer and resumed pulling him down the last few floors; the only indication that her leg was causing her any problems was the look of annoyance on her face. As they went down to the second floor she typed another message for Grimmer-“I’ll bandage it when we get outside.” There was no way she was going to treat a wound in these conditions and the sooner they got out of this building, the better.

As they continued down and arrived onto the second floor, Vera moved them closer to the wall on their right; she could still hear gunfire and they seemed rather insistent that they stop those trying to escape. The soldier felt a snarl pull at her face at this thought; let’s see if they’ll still be able to do that when she breaks every single bone in their arms. And yet she couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief as they went down the stairs to the first floor, making sure to pull her top up over her nose and mouth and crouch down a bit when she saw the smoke, her grip on Grimmer’s arm never faltering; she didn’t want to come this far only to collapse from smoke inhalation.

When they passed through the first floor, Vera casted Grimmer a small triumphant grin as they got closer to the exit and the slightly loosened grip showed her relief. Yet as they got closer, the soldier slowed down her pace as her mask settled back in place until she was walking cautiously towards it while making sure they stayed close to the wall, her grip tightening once again. When they got out they would be in plain sight for the clown and the young woman didn’t fancy being shot at yet, and the sudden grenade explosion outside by the building confirmed that he could see those coming out the entrance. So she made sure that when they got out they stayed as far out of sight from the direction of the attack as possible by having them go to the northern side of the building quickly. Although they did so with no problem, she hoped that he didn't see them. “But knowing my fucking luck, he probably did.”

Now leaning against the northern wall of the building, making sure that she wasn’t crushing her rifle against her back, and having finally released Grimmer’s arm from her grip, she sat down as she removed the first aid kit from her bag. Vera got her PDA out and typed one more message for her companion before putting it back in her pocket- “Get out of here; I’ll meet up with you later.” This more or less showed that her intention was to go after the Joker. As she ripped off the part of the trouser leg that was torn, revealing that her leg was as badly scarred as her arms, and started to treat her wound, she mentally braced herself for the probable protest from the older man.


smilinggrimmer June 30 2010, 23:14:49 UTC
(OOC: No problem! Lol writing this with half an hour to go before I need to leave for most of the night. So, sorry if this is freakishly short XD)

Grimmer quirked an eyebrow at her healing leg, but said nothing. He frowned as they began to run down the building, aware of Vera's painful leg. He didn't think it was a good idea to treat it inside of the apartment complex either, but it still looked painful, and he was mildly concerned.

The East German hissed as he heard the gunfire outside, and like Vera, decided that going by the Northern side would be the best for them. When they got out to exit, Grimmer also gained a huge, triumphant smile on his face. "Well...that wasn't so hard at all!" He said, clearly joking as he wiped his forehead. Still, Noriko and Hitsugaya were still up there...were they going to be okay? There was nothing Grimmer or Vera could do, but he was still worried.

Once Vera finally let go of Grimmer, he began to rub the sore arm as he watched her type into the PDA. The message she showed him really did not surprise him in the least bit, and the East German shook his head quickly. "Sorry, but you see, I think it's best off that I got to visit Mr. Joker and his friends right now." He removed his handgun from his pocket, making it clear what he meant by that statement. "What kind of reporter would I be if I ran away from all of this, and didn't determine that he was dead with my own eyes?"


silent_basilisk July 1 2010, 20:26:48 UTC
(OOC: It’s okay! x3 )

Vera casted Grimmer an almost amused look as she finished cleaning her wound and proceeded to bandage it, and though she didn’t show it, his willingness to kill also unnerved her slightly since it was coming from such a cheerful person, although his expression when he failed to get back onto the eight floor hinted at something darker in the oddly cheerful man. He seemed determined to get at the Joker and she knew that there was no way he was going to listen to her if she told him to find somewhere safe, which meant he was coming along whether she wanted him to or not.

Once she finished treating her leg, and placed the first aid kit back in her bag, she stood up and snatched the handgun out of his hand, checking it over before handing it back to him. It could probably do a bit of damage, though a check at the ammo showed that there weren’t as many bullets in it as she would’ve liked, but no matter; since she was planning to get into the building where the clown was and get up close and personal, having extra firepower, even if it’s only from a handgun, would be helpful.

Giving Grimmer a smirk, she grabbed his not-sore arm, her grip not too tight, and proceeded to walk down the northern side to the corner of the building. She quickly adjusted her rifle so that it was hanging at her side and considered her course of action; when she had looked out her apartment window before, there seemed to be around seven or so people attacking the building and all of them would be most likely armed. It would be easy enough killing them when she got up close but the main problem at the moment was getting there. Even though they could use the cover of buildings they would be seen eventually so they would possibly be shot at or have grenades thrown at them, so they would have to move quickly. With that thought, the soldier typed another message for Grimmer-“We’re going into their building so we’re going have to move fast and use buildings as cover. When we get in, we’re going to have to be ready for any who come down to greet us or any traps.”

Once she was sure Grimmer had read the message, she deleted it and was about to place her PDA back in her pocket before she hesitated; if she was going to completely tear those bastards apart it would be wise to warn Grimmer before hand as people tended to react…negatively towards her afterwards, and she didn’t want to freak out the only person here that she was friendly towards. With that decided, she showed Grimmer another message-“A quick warning; I tend to get pretty violent towards people who’ve really pissed me off, such as the fucking clown and his goons.” At least this way he won’t be too freaked out by her being covered in blood with a mangled corpse laying at her feet...hopefully.

When Grimmer had read the message, she began to make their way towards the building quickly while making sure they took as much cover as possible. The soldier felt a grin pull at her mouth as they got closer, already beginning to feel excited at the prospect of paying back those fuckers; this was going to be fun.


smilinggrimmer July 2 2010, 12:28:54 UTC
Vera was completely correct in her assumption that there was no way Grimmer was going to leave and find safety, instead of attempting to kill the Joker. Even if she had insisted that he didn't go, he would have ended up just trying to sneak into the building by himself anyhow. For Grimmer, the Joker had done pretty much every conceivable thing to utterly and completely make him determined to kill him. Not only had the Joker threatened to kill innocent kids, but he then placed him in an situation that reminded him far, far too much of 511 for Grimmer to be able to cling onto his sanity. And then after that, the Joker had stolen his hard-earned research papers and used it to blackmail Grimmer in one of the most horrific manners possible. And this was not including the bombing of this morning. Grimmer knew that by chasing after The Joker he was doing exactly what the psychopath was trying to initiate him into doing, but even so the East German didn't care. If anything, he was worried that Vera was subconsciously underestimating this monster.

After Grimmer handed his handgun over to Vera he also looked at the ammunition, making note of how many bullets were left. He'd fired three bullets when he was in the prison, and the cartridge hadn't even been full when he picked it up. His eyes traveled over to Vera's rifle; yeah with that many bullets there was no way he would be able to handle the Joker and his goons without help. Wolfgang was never very fond of using guns, and even in the most dangerous of regions he'd refused to carry one on him. He fully believed that most bad situations could be solved without any form of violence, and…really, he had The Magnificent Steiner to protect him if things got truly bad. Still, with a situation like this, Grimmer was easily willing to break that internal rule. He doubted he’d be able to defeat The Joker without a weapon, and Grimmer felt strangely determined to keep Steiner from appearing in front of either Vera or the clown this time. He never had that much control over when Steiner appeared in the first place, but Grimmer would try his hardest to keep his mind from being absorbed by panic or anger.

When Vera grabbed his arm again, he sighed, appreciating that she’d given his sore arm a break. He was about to state that he could walk by himself, but in the end gave a bemused look, and said nothing. Despite his unusually long legs, he was still not able to run as fast as her, and staying as close as possible as they attempted to keep cover was definitely a good idea here. “I’m certain that what we are doing is exactly what he wants us to do, so I would actually be surprised if he didn’t have any traps set. We do need to be careful.”

When Vera proceeded to type in the PDA again, Grimmer blinked in confusion, wondering what she was going to tell him. Once she held it up and he read over it, he simply gained a huge reassuring smile. “Ahahaha, that’s not a problem. You need to do what you need to do, if you’re a soldier right?” In reality, Grimmer was slightly upset, since he obviously recognized that mentality, and he wished that somebody like Vera would be spared from it. Still, he knew that was a far too idealistic hope, and he was hardly going to be disturbed by it in the way that Vera seemed to be predicting he would be.


silent_basilisk July 2 2010, 19:54:21 UTC
At Grimmer’s reassurance, Vera was rather surprised; usually people would be a bit put off, especially when such a warning came from a mute woman who was usually younger than them. It was both comforting and unnerving that he seemed fine with the warning; even though she was never good at reading people, there was something odd about how he was always smiling, even when told that their companion was violent. Although it was quick and faint, she glanced back at Grimmer with a confused look, just what was going on in that head of his? But she ignored this thought for now and immediately turned her focus back to the Joker’s building, they were getting close now and she merely ignored any attempts from the goons to shoot at them, instead more focused on moving.

Now that they were pretty close, a look up towards the roof from behind the cover of a nearby building caused Vera to frown slightly. When before it was just a rain of bullets, there now concentrations of it aimed at different areas of the apartment, a glance back towards the apartments, although difficult to see, showed some of them were aiming for the roof. And Hitsugaya and lightening girl were most likely on the roof; Vera frowned deeper at the thought of this but her logic told her that the chances of them getting shot were rather low as they had an advantage of height as well as the smoke possibly obscuring the attackers view. And she trusted Hitsugaya to get himself and the girl to safety.

As she continued to move them as quickly as possible to the building, maneuvering their course around the nearby buildings so that they would approach the Joker’s building from behind; it would take longer but she never liked taking the front door, she began to feel uneasy about the whole thing. Hell, she had felt like this ever since she decided to go after the clown, but she had completely ignored it and Grimmer’s statement fuelled her unease a bit. She was used to dealing with guys like this from back home, but they always attacked ordinary people and never expect retaliation from a young woman whose kicks could easily shatter ribs, so she didn’t think much of the clown at first. But the clown knew that there were people in the apartment who could kill him easily and yet he attacked them and even more or less urged them to retaliate, which was exactly what Grimmer and she were going to do. It was clear he had something planned as Grimmer had said, but her pride as a soldier and urge to kill the bastard made her ignore the warnings and she knew she was going to pay for that. And if the trap was another fucking bomb, she was going to castrate the clown with a blunt, rusty knife or at least try to.

Now behind the building, noticing a broken window they could climb through, the soldier released Grimmer’s arm and made sure she had her equipment; grenades, flares, guns and ammo were all accounted for. All Grimmer seemed to have on him was a handgun and a briefcase, which she promptly shoved into her bag; carrying something like that would only be a hindrance and if the contents were what she thought it was, it would be safer in her bag. Now prepared, Vera motioned for Grimmer to follow her as she cleared away some stray pieces of glass with her coat sleeve and prepared to enter through the window, the low height of it allowing her to climb in with ease.

“This is it, no turning back now.”


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