i know this music

Jun 26, 2010 10:08

Characters: The Joker / All (yes, all  :3)
When: June 26th
Where: The Apartment Block
Rating: R [For violence!]
Summary: The Joker makes a second strike against the Nesrecans

[minor note: a lot's going to be happening in this thread, so you may wanna just go ahead and track it.]

Early morning; 0700. The sky was bleak and overcast, not thick enough to threaten rain, but the sun had no chance of peeking through. Perfect weather.

Eight men, all but one wearing latex clown masks that at least one of the Nesrecans would recognize, gathered atop the five-story building a block away from the apartment complex, to its southern side. A man clad in purple and facepaint, his cheeks scarred and his shirt bloodied and torn, stood among them, gazing out at their target with dark intensity. He motioned at four of the men, all of whom were armed with RPG launchers done up in urban camouflage. The word 'Smile!' was written in red on the sides of them. Smiley-faces were painted on the tips of each of the grenades. The men prepped their weapons for firing.

Apart from the grenade launchers, the thugs were equipped with machine guns, grenades, sidearms, and combat helmets; they had come equipped for no less than war. The preparations were made; everything was in readiness.

The Joker withdrew his PDA, punched in a few commands, and a voice message, loud enough to wake the dead, was sent to all:

"Good morning, good morning, good morning, fellow Nesrecans! For those of you who still don't know me, this is the Joker speaking! Since everybody's been all nice and snug just sitting on their thumbs waiting for somebody to come save the day- and there's a snowball's chance in hell of that happening, I guarantee- and in spite of the occasional jolly I get off the least bright among you, I find myself in the terrible position of being very, very... very... bored. And, y'know, I thought it would be rude to kill you all while you were still sleeping- I mean, no fun at all that way, right? Mmm-hm. So, consider this your one-minute warning! Get your asses out of bed and proceed to the nearest exit, and you'll make it out before the building collapses, or you burn alive, or... something. Or maybe you won't."

He giggles.

"Sincerest regrets to the saps on the ninth floor. Have fun!"

At the word 'fun', there came a thunderous boom, and the entire apartment building shuddered. The first of the RPG-armed thugs had fired: the grenade roared through the air and slammed directly in between the third and fourth floors. An eruption followed as the side of the building spewed concrete, glass, and burning furniture down to the ground.

Two more RPGs followed in rapid succession, one striking the first floor, another connecting directly with the fourth. Another thug was preparing to fire, and already, smoke and fire was billowing out of the holes the first three had left. Another of the Joker's messages followed.

"Come out and play, children."

hitsugaya toushirou [ou], *incomplete, canada [ou], *open, matt [ou], aoyagi ritsuka [au], fay d. flourite [ou], uchiha sasuke [ou], charles f offdensen [ou], the joker [ou], vera solomon [oc], mello [au], noriko ashida [ou], wolfgang grimmer [ou]

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