Oct 25, 2004 10:19
This weekend was a good one.
Friday night was the GB Reunion which was pretty dumb. Tony, Jason, Austin, Andy came over to my house and we watched TV until Shannon arrived, and then we went to Perkins. Everyone bought their STICKY items like usual, which resulted in a few weird eyes. We waited for Kate to get out of work and then we went to see The Grudge. It was scary, but the plot blew ass. When the movie ended we were all going to go to this one road so that a pissed off indian could push our car up a hill, but instead we sat in my driveway for what seemed 2 hours.
On Saturday I woke up at around 9:30 because Chynny Boy wouldn't stop pawing at my damn door. My dad later informed me that the haunted house was off so I sat around for the rest of the day. I met up with Tony, Mattodea, and Jesse later that night at Beaners and we went to a party at Ashley's house. I thought it was going to be horrible, but in reality it was a lot of fun. At around 12:30 me and Tony busted out of that place and I had to drive his car back to Jesse's house. We got pulled over because I am a dumbass, but the cop was really nice and let me go without even giving me a warning. That was a close call because both of us had been drinking AND there was beer in the car. Whew. So when we got to Jesse's we made some food and tried watching a movie called Evil Dead? but it SUCKED.
The next morning we woke up, Tony and Mattodea left for awhile to visit their dead grandma, and I was left alone and my only resort was to watch Bowling for Columbine. It was good, but it made me feel like commiting suicide. haha. They came back FINALLY and Tony brought me home at 1. The rest of my day was pretty normal ...I went to Shannon's to do my homework and Denny made me a steak dinner. NOT BLOODY THOUGH :D
Today I decided to not wear make-up. I feel ugly, but that is ok with me. And you know why...BECAUSE I FOUND MY BUZZCOCKS CD. mmmm -this is me being excited.
bye fuckers, courtney