Maybe two months since I posted here? Pre-WisCon 35, which was fabulous, absolutely. And really I need to write about that adventure.
Here's my main reason I haven't yet: In the six weeks since then I have had three story deadlines. That's three deadlines for stories, pieces of narrative fiction, which six weeks ago were completely unwritten.
I turned the last of these three stories in at 1:30 this morning. I feel like a super-being.
The first of these three stories I wrote in five days. The editor says it will be "one of the crown jewels of the anthology." Jack Skillingstead liked it, too. It is called "Beyond the Lighthouse," and it features a woman who flies at night disguised as a bird.
The second story took me longer: nine days. But it was nearly twice as many words. The editor commended me on the characters. It is called "Otherwise," and it's for a Sekrit Project and I can't tell you any more about it.
The third story took eleven days. It's not longer than the second story, but I did have to create a synopsis for a play that one of the characters wrote. I haven't heard yet if the editor wants it. It is called "The Return of Cherie," and is part of my steampunk-novel-in-progress set primarily in the Belgian Congo, Everfair.
So I have met my goals for the Clarion West Write-a-thon a week early, but if you want to make a donation in celebration of this triumph, you can do it