Favorite fanfics / recommendations

Oct 03, 2010 23:48

These are my favorite authors and favorite fics. Right now they're mostly (a kinda short list of) KAT-TUN's, but maybe I'll post later things from other fandoms. Summaries are from the authors themselves, unless stated otherwise.

randomicicle: Her '100 Akame scenes' became a legend in the fandom. She writes wonderfully in every style, but I must confess that her fluffy fics are my favorites.
100 Akame Scenes (Akame, G to NC-17): There are more clues to their relationship to the one who is really watching.
Sugar-covered Madness (Akame, NC-17): “I’m going to be your boyfriend,” was about the last thing Jin expected from a customer. He was damn sure boyfriends weren’t on the menu.
Family Ties (Akame, PG-13): Life goes on, even after a breakup. But Jin can’t shake off the strong sensation that something is missing. As ugly as it might have gotten, he never felt that empty. They were together for almost 12 years, after all.
Missing Moments (Akame, NC-17): After the reconciliation, they're well on their way to putting everything back in order.
Baby-sitting (Akame, NC-17): Jin’s 2-yeard-old niece will be staying with them for two weeks. Problem is, between classes and work, no one could take care of her. So they hire a baby-sitter, Kamenashi Kazuya, a freshman from his university. And Jin likes him. A lot.
Selection bias (Akame, PG-13): Jin needed an assistant and one of the applicants spoke Japanese. It’d been so long since he could actually talk in his mother tongue at the office, he’d already chosen before the last round of interviews. Biased, yes, but he was the state coordinator and could be as biased as he wanted to.
 ♥ green_feelings: I love her writing, it made a great impression in me. Actually, after reading 'Seven Days', I cried a whole afternoon. I want to read more soon (but don't have the time atm)!
Seven Days (Akanishi x Kamenashi, PG-13/NC-17): Every Monday Jin starts going out with the first person asking him. However, he would always dump them by the end of the week, and the game replays from next Monday on. Until Kazuya enters the school and gets annoyed by that behaviour, but can't get Jin to change. There is just one way to make Jin pay attention to him.
Drowned in Silence (Akanishi x Kamenashi, NC-17): It's been more than two years, since they had decided to part ways. Now, they meet, their paths cross again and Kazuya and Jin are confronted with memories of that one week they once shared. But probably, nothing has changed; they are probably still the same --- unable to find the words that would make their paths become one.
For once (Akanishi x Kamenashi, PG-13): For once he could call someone his.
 ♥ When you smile (Akanishi x Kamenashi, PG-13/NC-17): Kame really, really wants to see Jin, but he can't. The reasons for this varies. Jin is a famous star, Kame is just your average guy. Even though Kame gets to meet Jin, the idol is shy and hard to reach. But the most important reason? Kamenashi Kazuya is blind.

Would You Like Fries With That? (JE general orgy, NC-17): AU crack. Kamenashi Kazuya knew going in that he was overqualified for the job, but McJohnny's was the only place that would hire him...

Dog Days Are Over (Nishikido + Masuda, R): Sometimes being a bad ass monster hunter isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Extended Recess universe fics (Akanishi x Kamenashi, Yamapi, Shirota Yuu): AU crack. This 'verse is so cool it got it's own page, and there are various JE cameos. Most fics are written by argle_fraster , but there are other collaborations. Summary of the original fic: Jin finds himself in an unfortunate predicament a little while after his band 'Extended Recess' breaks up.

fanfics, reference

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