Jun 14, 2013 07:33
i totally had something i was going to say last night/this morning on the bus but now i forget.
montreal x2 for the egg donation. this is it, in the next few days i will have about 8 eggs sucked out of me and fertilized in a petri dish, after which they'll be implanted in the mother. Super awesome, i'm so excited.
for the past week i've been injecting myself with puregon. it comes in a pen needle which is pretty cool and easy to use, you just turn the dial for your dose. I am really strange, right? who enjoys stabbing themselves in the stomach, but I love it and i'm sad i'm done with them. I don't even know, there is something wrong with me.
Montreal is really beautiful in the early morning because it's so quiet and deserted. But would it be worth waking up early??? probably not xD
oh let me tell you my adventures going off and back on venlafaxine. So i ran out, as usual, i procrastinate and also don't realize how many pills are left. so there was none left. then my doctor annoyingly was like "oh i can't prescribe that unless i see you, oh the earliest is next week." so i was screwed. But here is the interesting part: venlafaxine has awful withdrawal. It has a really short half-life so you start experiencing symptoms immediately after missing a dose, which had happened to me many times before, usually starting with lightheadedness. BUT then it escalates after a few days to full on drunken spins. It is a lot like being drunk: I felt like I was spinning head-over-heels most of the time, making me quite nauseous, and impairing my coordination (drunken stumbling everywhere.)
The weirdest was the brain zaps. I would get these pulsating electric shock sensations in my head, which did not help with the nausea at all. I'd be really curious as to what causes these. The psychological symptoms were interesting, I became more angry, irritable, and anxious. My normal state of suicidal ideation became slightly more intense (basically a change from "wouldn't it be nice?" to "you should do this" plus more frequent.) I started to every so often get very anxious and out of breath for a few minutes, that was weird, and one night I had a panic attack or night terror while awake, i'm not sure? I didn't have any chest pain like I have before, but this is probably the most terrified I've been in my life, all the same, I didn't think I was dying like I did before either. Weird hypnagogic episode, maybe. Lastly, I'm back to my dysthymic state of not wanting to do anything and taking forever to make transitions. It's really the most frustrating of them all because I can't get anything done and I'm always late. Also much much more tired all the time.
So those are my observations. It was pretty miserable, but now that it's mostly over it's quite interesting, especially because my last two medications (buproprion and citalopram) I stopped without weaning and nothing really happened other than mild lightheadedness. Is it the norepinephrine aspect?
egg donation,