Time flies... kind of, and very often with layovers

Jul 11, 2005 21:40

Today is mine and Quinn's four month anniversary.

This isn't particularly notable. However, neither of us seem to really give a shit about anniversaries in general, so it's pretty cool that we happened to think of it around the same time. About a week ago, Quinn turns to me and says, "How long has it been?"

Since I don't get what he's talking about, I hazard a guess: "Since the last time we got food? Uh, a few hours, I guess."

"No, silly, I mean, how long since we've been together?"

Now, anyone who knows me knows that I have absolutely no perception of time or dates. Which is why I tend to forget people's birthdays- I know the day they're born, but I never know what day it is. However, Quinn asked me out the day before I went to Seattle. I was in Seattle from the 12th-19th; ergo, our anniversary is the eleventh. I imparted this to him, and, wonder of wonders, the eleventh fell on a Monday this month. Which means that Quinn gets the day off. Which means that we got to hang out.

So, four months. Not that we did anything particularly special; just what's becoming our normal routine, complete with the missed buses and the eye-rolling and the arm-chewing and the bad food court food and a movie.

I did kind of freak out a little bit, but that's been coming for a few days now. It's coming up to crunch time to decide what I want to do about school and where I want to go, and I knew I had to talk to him about it at some point. Obviously, no one made any descisions or anything like that, but we did have a wonderful, relaxing, talk-thing. Just about how we are as people, and what we want in life, and how I plan too much and am basically a crazy mess.

Sigh. If someone had come up to me last year and told me that I would be where I am now, I would have thought that they were nuts. Now I think that I'm the one who's nuts. I think to be in love, you've got to be nuts. Never thought I'd be there, though. And yet, here I am. In love like whoa, and only being able to stand it some of the time.

Not that I'm complaining.


quinn, anniversary

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