Vanilla Coke is Smooth and Intriguing... Random Thoughts.

May 07, 2003 18:41

~Vanilla Coke really is Smooth and Intriguing.

~Even though I may lust after others, Lance will always be my one true love.

~Until Legolas pops the question.

~My Cropshot icon is my favorite.

~Jean Gray needs to make BETTER CHOICES THAN THAT!

~"It's hard, being a twinkie in a world of twizzlers."

~I have too many people to call.

~I'm going to be way busy this weekend.

~Have to go shopping.

~I almost wrote shoppong.

~Orlando Bloom is sex on legs. He fell out of the SeXXXy tree. Hitting every branch on the way down- some of them twice.

~If I ever saw Orlando Bloom on a crotch rocket I think I'd go into cardiac arrest and die.

~Can anyone tell that I need to get laid?

~I hate AIM Express. Alot.

~My thoughts go ever on and on, back to the blonde where they began... *hums*

~Out of all the guys I know, very few are slashable.

~The few that are all hang out alot.

~I like slash.

~"Do not meddle in the affairs of slashers, for you are cute and look good with other men."

~I don't write it though. Often.

~Someone's at the door.

~It's Andy.

~We have decided that Michelle Rodriguez's acting is not spectacular.

~Who the fuck cares? She's hot. I'd do her.

~My icon is fucking cool. I wonder if I could seduce Michelle Rodriguez with it.

More later. Cause Andy's here. Huzzah.


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