Plans/Hopes For The Future

Jun 17, 2008 04:03

Well, after 4 years of work I find myself entering the last year of my college education. I've realized a few things about myself this year, and wish I would have applied myself a bit more than I did over the course of my college career. That said, I remain in a position where I can pull off at least some kind of noteworthy success that is beyond what I've done thus far. I'd like to end my academic career on a high note, or better, leave myself in a position to continue it rather than simply graduate as an average student.

My Academic Plans for the next year. If this works, I'll finish with a Double major in German and History and a double minor in Geography and TESOL.

Summer 2008
-History 337: Japanese History Through Film
-History 409: WWII Pacific Theater

Fall 2008
-German 401: Advanced Grammar
-German 406: Fluency Through Dramatization
-German 450: German Novella
-Japanese 101: Elementary Japanese

Winter & Spring 2009
-Geography 203: Physical Geography
-Geography 209: Geography & World Affairs
-Geography 320: The United States
-Geography 351: Map Reading and Analysis
-German 306: 3rd Year Conversation
-German 314: Phonetics
-German 402: Advanced Grammar & Composition
-TESL 401: Introduction to English Linguistics
-TESL 410: Second Language Acquisition Theory

Summer 2009:
-TESL 402: English Grammar for TESOL
-TESL 420: Methods & Materials for Basic Communication
-TESL 421: Methods & Materials for Academic Language Proficiency
-TESL 430: Seminar & Practicum

Academic Goals (Before Graduation):
-3.3+ in my German Major or 3.1+ in my History Major
-3.0+ Cumulative GPA
-Join an Honor Society (probably either Phi Sigma Iota or Phi Alpha Theta)
-Become Published (Either in a Journal, Book, Periodical, Annual or other)
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