
Sep 15, 2006 18:22

Today started out normal enough. I woke up at 6:50 (ok, not normal for vacation) because I had to be at Brian's house at 8 so I could drive to Seattle with him and help his mom move her office. On the way there, I dropped off Rose (see: Korean Exchange Student) at the grocery store and drove to Brian's (as an aside, we'd done it before, and Rose likes to walk back). After meeting up with him, we drove up to Seattle, the way up spent discussing the finer points of "Brian & Mark Land" (AKA The dorm we'll be in next year), Muse (the band, which we listened to on the way up), and other things that usually get discussed every time we get together.

After reaching the office, we spent the next few hours loading up stuff from the old office, and moving it into the new office. After doing this for about 3 hours (which we were making 10 bucks and hour for) we decided to tall it quits (because Brian had to register for classes today). So we went to his house for a while, I considered what I wanted to register for (my date is on Monday) and he handled his registration in less than a few minutes. After this, we decided to get lunch (his treat, conveniently).

So we went to a Mongolian Grill, where we dined upon the finest animal parts and plant entrails (delicious!), and afterwards ventured out into the world of (da da daaaa) AMERICAN CONSUMER CAPITALISM! For this, we ventured boldly out to Best Buy, wandering the aisles of stuff and marveling at the prices. Also, they were giving away free (but small) WWII reproduction patches, so I had to grab some because I was lucky enough to be at the right place at the right time. These patches included a really bad 101st Airborne Division, a moderately cool (if crude) 9th Air Force Construction, and an incredibly bad ass 2nd Armored Division (HELL ON WHEELS!), so that was exciting for me. After that we hung out at his place for a bit, and then I went home...

It was when I got home that shit hit the fan. When I returned I began talking to Simon (see: Other Korean Exchange Student), and (because I like to be sure of things) casually asked if Rose was back, to which he responded that he had not seen her all day. My pulse quickening, I asked him to repeat so that I could understand. After getting the same response, I went to Rose's room, and began pounding on the door (it's not uncommon for her to take naps or even spend much of the day in her room). When she didn't answer after a few minutes, I cautiously opened the door, finding the room empty.

Thus began my epic 15 minute walk around the neighborhood, looking for her (because she often goes for walks). As I walked, my fears intensified, and I began planning to call the police (I assume that's what you do in such a situation). Anyway, to make a long, angsty story short, I found her in front of my house, having discovered that she was fine, and had just gone for a walk (and somehow had avoided Simon all day). Thus ends my hellish afternoon.

Sucker shaved 5 years off my life.
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