So my knitting group did our yearly deadly competitive knitting thing -- this year it was Biological Warfare! Using the Manchester Science Fair patterns ( we snuck around town leaving germs in mailboxes, tucked in front doors, and on car windshields in an effort to kill each other. Despite our truce and the fact that we made penicillin for each other, my neighbor still killed me with swine flu. In fact, she wound up winning and killing a wide swath of knitters; perhaps the fact that she's a nurse made her more immune?
Here is a random assortment of microbes (the pompommy things on each end are penicillin):
and some of my favorites: Monique made me cholera out of sparkly handspun yarn from Lisa (Hi Lisa!) and Tanya made the sad little tuberculosis. Rebecca made the cholera that looks like an eggplant, and I made the typhoid (typhoid is just tuberculosis with hair). Kate dealt me the terminal viral load with the turquoise swine flu.
I got inventive and made up some patterns of my own (they will follow shortly). I said to my group, "I just googled my favorite diseases* and picked the ones that looked easy to knit." (dengue fever, for example? too complicated to knit). Evidently not everyone has favorite diseases. Hm.
ETA: this has nothing to do with anything, but I just googled Yersinia pestis (which may or may not have caused the Black Death, and it could be knit using the exact same pattern as tuberculosis. I wish I had known that earlier!
*caveat: be cautious about googling things like gangrene and flesh-eating bacteria.