New fic: First (Unspoken series, chapter 16 )

Oct 30, 2011 00:54

Ah, it's been a while, over a month actually, since I last posted a chapter for this series, and I apologise for the delay in getting to you this (according to some) "much-anticipated" installment. Real life, job and all that. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Title: First
Characters/pairing: Tenth Doctor and Donna
Genre: Romance
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: The 'family' time-slot for Doctor Who did not allow the BBC, who owns the Doctor and Donna, to screen this kind of stuff. But we all know it so happened.
Summary: Some things are worth the wait.
Author's note 1: Big thanks once again to sykira for the beta-ing.
Author's note 2: Please note rating change for this chapter.


They had barely spoken during the short walk through the garden, their brief glances and clasped hands communicating for them. It wasn’t hard for her to tell what the Doctor was thinking; the unbridled anticipation of his wide-eyed sparkle was at once so pure and deeply erotic. As she wondered what he was reading in her expression right now, her nervousness, inexplicably, started to return, bubbling closer and closer to the surface with every step she took.

By the time they reached their room, Donna’s heart was beating a rapid rate of knots, and even as she hoped the Doctor might interpret that as excitement, she knew that he would be able to pick up that something was not right.

Putting aside the whole virtual mind-reading thing they had going on now, she suspected he was holding back from delving without her permission. He knows already, but he doesn’t want to assume or decide for me. Already learnt from Bad Wolf Bay. Donna couldn’t help being a little impressed by that.

Anyway, he knew her so well that it was nigh on impossible to fool him, so she braced herself for the inevitable question.

Problem was, she wasn’t sure right then how to answer.

The Doctor slid open the shoji door and then, unexpectedly, bent to pick Donna up, causing her to squeal involuntarily in surprise even as a slight smile - he’s quite the traditionalist, my Spaceman -  graced her lips as he carried her over the threshold. Once through, he gently lowered her to her feet and slung an arm around her shoulders to pull her closer. She wrapped her hands around his waist and snuggled into his chest. Then they just stood, surveying their surrounds, with only the summer song of cicadas breaking through the silence.

Any other time, Donna would have described this room as just about perfect - the decoration was restrained and unobtrusive, the same type of flowers that had been in her bridal bouquet stood in a small alcove and were infusing the room with their calming, other-worldly fragrance, while a washi lantern cast a soft, intimate glow throughout. The fluffy cloud of a futon that had been laid out on the tatami looked comfortable and inviting until Donna remembered what it actually was and what it would be used for. She must have tensed unconsciously, for she suddenly saw the Doctor looking down at her, his sad brown eyes flooded with the pain of concern.

“Donna, what’s wrong?” he asked quietly, turning in her embrace to face her, taking her hands in his.

She took in a breath.

“Look, it’s not you, okay…well, actually it is, but not in a bad way” How on earth am I supposed to say this without…… “it’s just…it’s just that… I don’t know why I’m so nervous, I mean it’s not like this is my first time, or anything…” Why do I never seem to have the right words when I need them?.....

He finished the thought for her. “But it is your first time with me. Your husband” He paused before fixing his gaze squarely on her nervously darting eyes and saying - a barely-detectable catch in his voice -  “Your alien husband”.

Donna, completely mortified - and distressed at having picked up his flash of self-doubt over her apparent reticence -  dropped her head in shame, feeling fresh tears welling up. She heard his voice again, achingly gentle: “That’s okay, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” He tilted his head and quirked his eyebrows playfully, “I am, after all, an alien”.

She glanced up at him and smiled, grateful for his effort to lighten her mood even in the midst of carrying his own hurt. Imagining what a state she must look as she felt errant tears dribble down her face, she turned pleading eyes to him. “I don’t know why this is coming out now, it never bothered me before, right from the start, I accepted you for you, I knew who you were. It’s what I fell in love with….You know I love you, right?”

He drew her to him even as his calm verbal affirmation broached the emotional space between them to infiltrate and comfort her heart. “Know it, feel it, see it. Never doubted it”

Somehow still unconvinced, she went to drop her head again, but felt one, cool finger lift her chin so that she was looking right into his eyes.

“Donna, it’s okay. We’ve only just got married. We have the rest of our lives together to get comfortable with this new part of us. There’s no rush. Don’t forget, a day in Agafilero is like a second anywhere else. We almost literally have as much time as we want, as we need to explore everything about what being married means.” He grinned widely. It’s going to be brilliant!”

God, he’s good. She could feel the calm, the assurance, the settling flowing back in.  I should have known he would give me all the time in the world.

Donna sighed as his long arms wrapped around her, holding her to him, the steady rhythm of his heartbeats bringing her back to equilibrium. They stayed there in quiet embrace for the longest time, until their breathing, their emotions, everything was in synch once more.

Finally moving apart he extended his hand to her, wiggling his fingers in invitation. “Well, are you ready then, Mrs Noble? There’s a garden I’d love to explore with my new wife and very, very best friend. Who are one and the same, by the way.” He smiled and gave her a wink.

She couldn’t help but quirk her head at him and chuckle at the humour. He could always make her laugh, make the tension melt away, no matter how tense things got.

She took his hand, and they stepped together into the afternoon cool.


Sitting in the middle of the futon, Donna was feeling wonderful. She had to admit, that garden walk was just what the Doctor ordered - droll, Donna, very droll - and to top it off, the Doctor had even managed to find an excellent restaurant nearby, where they had enjoyed the most deliciously exquisite dinner. Neither she nor the Doctor had recognised most of the things they had eaten, but by the time she had polished off the 27th micro-course, her insides were feeling all kinds of pleasant and a warm, languid stirring was making its presence felt in certain regions that Donna felt ever so slightly embarrassed to think about.

Maybe it had been the walk, maybe it had been the food - she’d almost be prepared to put money on the dessert, it had been that good - but if she was honest with herself, she knew that, really, it was all the Doctor and the way he was looking at her right now, the same way he’d looked at her over dinner, throughout the wedding ceremony, even during their quick trip in the TARDIS to get to this magical place. It was that look of I am completely, head-over-heels in love with you, you are the most extraordinarily wonderful person I have ever met, and the reality of spending forever with you is making me happier than I had ever thought possible.

She looked up at him through long, gently flirtatious lashes. Silly Spacemen, would never have never picked you for such a romantic.

But he wasn’t finished, and what the expression on his face said caused a hitch in her breath and a heat she could feel spreading from her face throughout her entire body.

I am going to make love to you like no-one ever has, beyond what you can even imagine, so much so that you are never going to want to stop. He paused in his silent stream of promises. Never ever.

Donna gulped as she heard his words in her mind, backed by unfathomably dark, lust-filled eyes. His wordless strength and confidence at that moment stirred the most primal of desires deep within her. And she knew then, with absolute certainty, that she was ready.


Without breaking gaze, he moved to stand, extending his hand to help her up. For a long moment, they stood, silently, almost as if appraising each other, but there was no inherent judgement, for their decision to accept and embrace wholly and fully had already been made. No, this time, it was precious time to admire, appreciate, tell each other with their eyes that what was before them was pleasing, longed-for, cherished.

Donna almost didn’t want to break the spell by moving, but she eventually couldn’t help herself, she had to touch him again, not just to reassure herself that this was still all real, but because she wanted him, truly wanted him in every way.

Her hand reached out to stroke that beloved face and she watched his eyes close at her touch and heard a soft murmur rumble through his chest. She slowly moved her fingers along his cheek, then tangled them in his hair, pulling him closer. Her body delighted in the smells she was picking up from him, the aftershave, the faintest hint of nervous sweat…did stardust and wonder have a smell? Because she could have sworn that was there too.

Reaching up with her other hand to touch his robe  - which she noticed had returned to its original white colour - she was startled to see it simply disappear right in front of her eyes. Shock was replaced rapidly by admiration for the incredibly pleasing aesthete in front of her. Not bad at all for a skinny bloke.

His eyes still closed, the Doctor’s sharp intake of breath at the sudden skin-on-skin contact indicated he had not been expecting the robe’s vanishing act either, but as he sighed and she felt his weight press against her hand, she could tell it didn’t perturb him one bit. In fact, he looked rather pleased, in a Cheshire cat-sort of a way.

Finally, he looked at her again, a silent question in his hopeful eyes as he reached out his hand ever so slowly towards her. The happiness in her expression offered in assent was mirrored in his as he finally touched her robe and delightedly watched it disappear.

Maybe it was having seen his robe vanish first, or the fact that he was naked before she was, but she didn’t feel nervous at all standing in front of him now, completely exposed; in any case, the way he was looking at her now and speaking only semi-coherently was starting to make her feel all goddess-like.

Truth be told, when it was all said and done, this disappearing clothing was all rather impressively efficient, no fumbling around with buttons and hooks and clasps, just instant, easy access. She had to smile. “Handy….for the randy honeymooners who just can’t wait.”

“Sooooo, how do you wanna do this then?” he started, “Nice ‘n slow….”

She shivered as she felt those long, cool fingers smooth over her collarbone before forging a trail between her conspicuously excited breasts and caught the almost-smug look on his face as she was rendered breathless for a few seconds,

“…or see where things take us?”

The punctuating eyebrow waggle was all but inevitable.

She returned his gaze unflinchingly. I give as good as I get, Doctor. She took a moment to rake her eyes over his naked form, gratified that it was now him with the goosebumps, and traced one of the previously offending eyebrows with her finger, down the side of his face and his sinuous, sensitive neck, before brushing lighter than the touch of a feather over his nipple. Judging by his reaction, it was just as well it only been one - he may well have keeled over then and there if she’d tried both at once.

“Oh, I think this first time, I want to be long and memorable” she eventually said in a low, sultry voice, earning from him a smile and his concurrence as he moved in to shower every part of her face with warm, gentle kisses.

I am so learning to love his oral fixation she thought to herself as she felt at last the delicious wetness of his attentive tongue caressing the most sensitive parts of her ears, the loving nip of his teeth in encore, and then, finally his lips against hers, where they belonged, speaking their own language of adoration and devotion. He readily took her unspoken invitation to taste her more deeply, and she lost herself in the feelings and sensations brought forth by his mouth and hands and closeness, barely even noticing him bringing her lower until they lay together on the soft bedding, the only sounds in her ears their mutual groans of pleasure and the pounding of her own heart.

He was close, so close, but not close enough, and as if in immediate response to her silent plea, she felt his leg move between hers and his hand slide down her body to cup one of her breasts. Hypersensitive to his touch - she had never felt such physical yearning - she almost couldn’t bear the swipe of his thumb across her tingling skin, responding with an incoherent, almost guttural, groan.

“Eloquent” his voice was teasing, and she had to slap him, if only lightly.

“Let’s see what you have to say for yourself, then” she retorted as she mirrored his action, but going one step further, giving him some of his own oral medicine as she swirled her tongue across his chest, punctuating with small, soft, bites. She reveled in the instant and obviously pleasurable reaction her actions produced.

Donna could’ve continued on like this forever, so wonderful was it to just to be able to feel his skin against hers, to give and receive the simple yet incredible gift of loving touch.

And just as he had promised, the Doctor's exploration of her was slow and reverent, almost meticulous in its thoroughness, leaving no part of her un-adored, unappreciated. Never had she felt so desired and it was intoxicating, powerful. I could get used to this.

Be my guest, he shot right back, because I intend to give you as much as you can take, causing a delicious ache to reverberate in her very core.

She could tell he was ready, as much by the surety in his eyes as by the more tangible physical evidence, and what it told her was that this coming together would be as much a joining of souls and minds as bodies.

But even knowing this couldn’t have prepared her for the profundity of what was about to take place, for it was something she had never experienced before and the mere thought of it at once terrified and exhilarated her. And then it was no longer just a thought, it was happening, she was becoming his and he was becoming hers in every way possible.

There was a measured, searing pain, and then the last boundaries between them were gone. Now everything was shared, touched, understood. They moved together in perfect, instinctive rhythm, like they already knew all the steps in this most intimate of dances. He was certainly an adept partner, there was none of the awkwardness that had more often than not had been a part of her previous ‘first’ encounters. They truly were each other’s destiny.

She felt his mind reach out to hers: Donna, you are amazing…..this is beyond my wildest dreams.

Struggling to hold back the tears at the unmasked awe she found in his heartfelt admission, her mind responded to him, telling him that being with him now had totally redefined her concept of ecstasy. I admit it, Spaceman, you were right. I never, ever want you to stop.

Good, because I never want to stop making love to you, my darling wife he whispered to her soul as he drove deeper, touching all the right places.

She squirmed in delicious discomfort as their pace quickened. The slow burn had flickered into a raging fire now.

How do our bodies know each other so well already? she all-but-panted.


They recognize what makes them complete, what makes them sing and come alive. What they have been missing and wanting their whole lives.


I’m so glad I found you. Again.

So close.

And I you.

Out of control.


Her eyes snapped open at that moment and saw him register in an instant her unvoiced plea.

There was a deft, barely-perceptible shift in his hips, followed by an exquisite pause as the coiled tension within her reached a crescendo.

And then stars exploded behind her eyes as she fell over the edge with a loud, unrestrained cry, him right behind her.

Together, for an endless moment, they careened through the cosmos, riding the wave, holding on tightly to each other as they spiraled through mutual bliss.

And if they never came back down to earth? Well, that would be just fine with her.


Contented warmth inhabiting every part of her body, Donna lay spent and utterly sated, basking in the feeling of the Doctor still inside her and wrapped around her. He kissed her, and she felt him smooth a lock of hair behind her ear as he asked her if she was alright.

“Yeah, I’m alright”. Liar. Okay, okay…”More than alright,” she replied, her eyes sparkling as she returned his kiss with a fervency that, in her teary, blissed-out state, surprised her. Just to reassure him, though, she trailed her hand down his arm making all the hairs stand on end, as if to suggest that a repeat performance in the very near future would be exceedingly welcome. She smirked as she felt him almost instantly take up her offer.

She was not to be disappointed that evening, or in the however many days and evenings that followed. There was no point in counting, anyway, the place they inhabited now was one that was timeless and eternal, where love transcended everything, even physical and emotional pain, to heal, restore, complete.

Forever contained in the blink of an eye, each precious moment an eternity.

They would have to go back to ‘everyday’ life eventually, and there were still so many worlds outside for them to explore, but she knew that neither of them was in any hurry to do that.

For now was the time to explore the inner world, their shared inner world.

Who could put a time limit on that?
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