It's the first day of the month after Nino Month, which means we've officially made it through Nino Season! Thanks for being a part of the fifth anniversary party! As usual, let me begin with the absolutely, positively, very very necessary acknowledgments:
- I had three super fabulous pinch hitters this year: thank you to
inaudible_d, and
lover_youshould, who deserve all the hugs and kisses they consent to!
- And of course, to each and every one of you, for whatever your role here was: reading, writing, being excited, lurking, what have you. I say it every year because there's nothing that comes out of my mouth that's more sincere: this exchange would actually, literally be nothing without you.
And now...
64907yumenosete How to Deal with Being Kidnapped by a Nice Villain 101airairoohmiyaddict An unexpected visitakhikaruinaudible_d Super Nino Bros.astrangerentersgurajiorasu The Current's Too Strongaugustfaigomushroom A Collection of Assembled Almostscalerineshardaunei Maybe Somedayclipsiewendyjoly Zombie Diariescutselvagelover_youshould Chocolate Discogomushroomltgmars in another lifetimegurajiorasusky_fish7 Getting Alongicecreamsukisilverdoll14 Flashlightinaudible_dakhikaru Redefining familykanu_xclipsie The Night Shiftkeshichanyoshiblack16 Are you ready?kiah_1tempesteru the humming cicadas over the midsummer afternoonlotusastrangerenters Daylight Specialistlover_youshouldlotus Lost at Sealtgmarskeshichan The Clover Quartzlysanderpuckcalerine living is the best revengemurrponchaninaudible_d A Face Behind the Cameranatsunonamae64907 Ghosts of a Future Lostohmiyaddictastrangerenters Worrywartphrenkcutselvage Ordinary Miraclesshardauneikanu_x Familiarsilverdoll14airairo Menageriesky_fish7natsunonamae Café N83tempesterumurrponchan touch touch touch.wendyjolylover_youshould Go-Getteryoshiblack16icecreamsuki What was best for himyumenosetephrenk We Are Go (Go Go Go) Thank you all, again and always, for everything. This year was definitely one of the most successful Nino parties we've ever had, and it's all because of you. My role's really minimal compared to what you all do, but I'm so glad and proud to be a part of something that so many people seem to enjoy (and that brings such consistently great fic to boot).
As always, you know where to find me, so feel free to hit me up if you need me 365.25 days a year, for Nino fic business and otherwise. ♥
Until next year! :3.