Post ho day/Josh....

Aug 21, 2009 07:32

Another post because hey it's FRIDAY and I don't have to worry about going to sleep right away since I have no work tonight!!!

Josh comes over in the mornings around 7 am,   He and Ant play in his room for about 30 minutes before they run off to school.  Yesterday when he showed up I noticed he was wearing clothes wouldn't let Ant go to school in.

After school 3 days a week Josh comes right home and he stays here until around 7-7:30.  His grandma has cancer in her leg and to top it off BROKE the same leg so either his older (older as in at least 20 years old with a kid, they all live together) sister or mother is over at the grandma's house to help her.  Between work and everything they asked if I'd watch him (free babysitter) during those days.  No way I would say this was a problem.  Josh has been Anthony's best friend since end of 1st grade and is welcomed into our home as family. 
During the school week I will come home from work, play on The Net a bit then wake Ant to get ready.  This year they start school 20 minutes early just so all the students can eat breakfast in class after the bell rings.  I think it's cool because I don't have to worry about fixing breakfast and because there are some days I come home so tired from work I can barely stay awake until it is time for Ant to leave for school.

Most days I can stay awake until they head off to school.  Anthony knows to wake me if I do fall asleep because I want to make sure he is READY to go to school.  I'll open my eyes enough to tell him if I approve of how he combed his hair.  If I don't like the way it's looking I send him back to comb again but if it's still ratty I'll pull myself up and comb it myself.  He will complain (as he did this morning though I wasn't sleeping) how "No one combs their hair anyway.

"Well YOUR going to school with combed hair." is (like today) always my answer.

There have been times when I am so tired I don't notice he is wearing jeans with holes in them.  Once he comes home and I see him I get mad.
"Don't go to school wearing those PANTS!!!"

He is not understanding that I'm being like this because kids can be mean!  I'm not into paying crazy expensive clothes but I still like to make sure he looks nice and we do bust out to buy some rocking shoes.  Least we can do, as I said I remember what is like to be a kid.....we all know how it is.

Which leads me back to Josh.....

He comes over most mornings with crazy bed hair and yesterday as I said clothes I'd never allow Ant to go in.

Then after school he smelled REALLY REALLY bad!

I felt bad but WOW!!!  We told them to shut the bedroom door because the smell was leaking out into the hallway and I couldn't even open the door to the bedroom without gagging.  After Josh left I asked Ant What's the What with Josh and Anthony looked kinda embarased and explained it was hot and this and that but in the end I'm wondering if they are even paying attention to what's up with Josh.

I almost had Josh go take a shower yesterday but that's probably not right and by the look on his face each time I'd check on them and say "MAN it stinks in here!!!"  I know he knows it is him and seems kind of embarassed by it.

It stresses me out a bit for him so now I have decided if he comes over looking ratty the least I'm going to do is comb his hair.  I pretty much treat him as my own so what the heck.  I'm sure it's because his family is stressed over his grandma and all so if I need to step up and say something at least to Josh....don't know how to bring it up to his mom without upsetting her....well then I guess I'll have to do so.


lunch break & light bulb, friends, family

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