(no subject)

Sep 25, 2006 07:30

Thing #512 you didn't anticipate being part of your parenting before you knew you had a special needs child --- writing a note to the kindergarten teacher about your 5 yr old's diaper rash.  Fun fun!

It was a nice, peaceful weekend.  Probably because Margaret went to my mom's.  lol  They went apple picking, had a blast.  One of these weekends, we've gotta trade Nick for Margaret.  I think he'd fit in so well around here.  Still not ready to just yoink him out of Mom's  house for my own happiness, but we definitely need to spend more time with him.  Because our house needs another intellectual gamer geek.  lol   But it's almost gotta be a trade, because Margaret and Nick together will make me lose what's left of my sanity.  As they left Saturday, you could hear them shrieking before they even got to the car!

Toby the local resident neurotic Border Collie decided to scare the crap out of us this morning.  This dog barks all.  the.  time.  When you put him in the crate, when you take him out of the crate.  When the microwave beeps, when the toilet flushes.  Whenever he hears "bedtime", "school", or "time to go!".  But apparently, when he gets himself trapped somewhere and me and the girl are calling frantically for him because we can't find him....that's his cue to be silent.  For a good 5 minutes, we searched the house.  Mags was freaking "Maybe he got dead!" (her bio-dad's dog escaped and got a hit by a car last year).  I finally go outside and start calling for him, when the front door flies open behind me.  There's the girl, stark ass naked yelling "I FOUND HIM!!!!"   Stupid dog got himself shut in the bathroom.  The whole time we called, he never made a sound.  Not a bark, not a scratch at the door, nothing.  There is something WRONG with that critter, I tell ya!
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