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Jan 12, 2006 16:18

First and foremost, happy 30th birthday to the bestest husband in the whole world. Ya old man. ;) (yes, I'm sure he'll get his revenge in a year and a half when it's my turn)

Annnnd it's vet season. Somehow, we've managed to get all 5 animals that see the vet on the same schedule. Yesterday, Willow. So easy. She's happy to get in the car, not particualarly afraid of the vet, tries to make friends with all the receptionists and techs. Come to find out, she's made it to about 75 lbs. Which, theoretically, would be a good thing, as that's in the average range for a female German Shepherd, and she's always been extremely thin. Unfortunately, her poor beginnings in a puppy mill that made her thin also made her frame a bit smaller, so now she's actually overweight. Time for a doggie diet! (no, of course we didn't buy her from the mill, she was rescued and we "adopted" her.)

Today was Murray's turn. What. a. nightmare. That is one foul tempered cat. Add that to the fact that he's the only one of the cats who's not front-declawed and you can imagine what a treat it is to get him into a carrier. Last year it took me, Mike, Margaret, a quilt and a laundry hamper to get him into the carrier. This year only took me, Mike and 2 couch cushions, but with the ugly result of massive scratches on my left hand and wrist. Got him to the vet, and he decided he was not coming out. I attempted to use gravity to gain his cooperation (read: I turned the carrier gate side down and shook it), but no luck. He was hissing and hanging on for all he was worth. Finally, we had to unscrew the top of the carrier. He cooperated with getting weighed, but then decided he was done, and took off and tried to hide under my messenger bag. The vet dug him out, gave him the once over and his shots, and thankfully we're back home with no further injuries to anyone. We probably won't see Murray for the next week, but if you ask me, that's no loss. *putting ice on scratches*

Next up, Toby. Another easy one. Then Cheeze-It and Ozzie. Either I'm going to have to make 2 appointments or get another carrier. I took them together in 1 big crate last year and nearly killed myself. Why I thought it was a good idea to put the 2 fattest cats together I'll never know, but I do know that approx 40 lbs carried by 1 tiny handle is not a fun experience.
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