
Nov 27, 2005 01:44

Note to self: When there are 3 8s on the table, running a bluff that you have the 4th 8 doesn't pay off when your opponent actually HAS the 4th 8. Meanwhile, despite that little mishap, my play has improved significantly. Been getting into the money, albiet at the low end of the payouts, on my nightly tourneys. Annnnnnd *drumroll please* took first in a single table tourney. $22.50! Sweeeeeeeeet!

For those not interested in poker, well.....not much to say. Kids are crazy from the holiday weekend, but good. Mike hates his job, but other than that he's good. Dogs are nutso, cats still need to be bathed. Knitting progress has slowed, due to the poker obsession. Gonna need to start dedicating more time to that, seeing as I need to finish at least 5 socks and 2 scarves before Christmas. Yep, that's about it.
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