Gee, you don't sweat much for a fat chick.

Jul 06, 2005 07:11

See, it's not that I don't like exercise.  I actually rather enjoy it.

I don't like sweat.

I really, really dislike sweating.  A lot.  I know that without it I'd overheat and die, so, y'know, intellectually I'm all for it, but I hate, hate, hate how it feels.  Ugh.

I don't mind being a little sore.  I actually kind of like that next-day ache, as long as I didn't overdo it =too= badly... but the sweating.  Man.  And it's not JUST how it feels... it also means I hafta do more laundry, so I have something to work out in and towels to use, and that I need a(nother) shower, and it's just... wholly unpleasant!  Meh, say I.  Which reminds me I should really do laundry anyway.

That said, I did a good 10-15 minutes on the machine, and it was fun.  Aside from the sweating.  Maybe later I'll attach the cupholder on the right side and read the manual/watch the tape, or something.  Though I think those are still in the car.

Now, naptime.  I'm hoping to get up by noon and try to get my schedule closer to normalized again.  Odds, anyone?

P.S.: Also I am happy, for I had dinner with aprivatefox and mufi, and before that I brought a (belated) birthday gift to chewygui's wee loinfruit, and it was v. well-received by all.  Which is pleasing as I'm not always that good at gifting (choosing, let alone remembering to send).  So yay. :D

Not to mention, I am currently snuggled by three dozing cats.  Push is using my foot as a pillow, Miles has his tail curled against my calf, and Sweetie is behind me, curled against  my hip.  I am loved. <3

bitching, fitness, cats, body, omg social!

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