Today I discovered
holmes100 and thought, 'hey, that sounds fun'. Writing drabbles of exactly 100 words is harder than it sounds, because I am verbose, but--well, I got something down, anyway. The prompt was 'suspicion', which is more implied here than stated, and I'm not entirely happy with it, but what the heck.
It is incomprehensible to Watson that Holmes should be upset. He is well aware that the detective harbours no revulsion against what the law terms ‘crimes against the person’-Watson has in fact seen him refuse cases that involved such things. He has more than once heard Holmes assert scornfully that a crime which harmed no one was no crime at all, and surely Scotland Yard had enough difficulty solving actual felonies without dabbling in the bedrooms of consenting adults.
Why then the cold fury to see Watson bidding a fond farewell to an old army friend in the morning?