Jun 11, 2007 06:25
I'm just curious... Were you forced to take typing in school?
For me, that, and intro to computers, were mandatory to even graduate high school.
Now, the typing class, I actually learned the whole keyboard (except the number row... I only half know that...), and I attribute that class (and practice) to my being able to type 100+ words a minute. (it's scary, even to me, when I get 'fast'... I think I'm a good 150+ words a minute when I'm transcribing something without thinking. It's the thinking that gets you when you're typing...)
I attribute working in the hotel business with my ability to not only ten-key lightening fast, but use the ten-key number pad without even touching the keys. I used a ten-key in typing in credit card numbers so much when working for hotels that I literally know, without touching a key, the distance between different keys on a ten-key pad...
Anyway... Back to the story...
By the third day of 'intro to computers' both in high school and college (Both were mandatory before graduating), I had shown the teachers that, since I've been around computers since I was 12, I knew enough to teach the class, I was left alone.
In fact, it was one of the classes my brother went into with the whole, "Oh! You're her brother!"... He hated me for that :)
My younger brother, and I, actually ended up teaching the class a few times when a substitute teacher was in the class...
Oh, and I learned so much during my college 'intro to computers' class... The teacher basically told me to just be quiet. And, since I was in the back of the classroom, I opened one of the programs on the computer and went through all of the in-program tutorials.
I miss those... I find tutorials fun...