My thoughts on Mass Effect 3

Feb 21, 2013 10:25

As I said in my last post, I came into this trilogy pretty much unspoiled. So, when I went into the last Mass Effect game, I only knew about this world was what happened in the last two games of the trilogy.

Again, I kept being female, and an infiltrator. I decided to stay with what I knew. (I typed this line, then went to reread my thoughts on Mass Effect 2. I wrote almost the exact same line! Wow...)

I found some notes from Mass Effect 2 that I forgot to add... So, I'll just work them in here, since all but one is valid for 3 as well.

Hey, Mass Effect 3 has a play setting below casual, 'narrative'. Hmm... I ended up playing on narrative, and it worked for me. There were times when I thought 'Stop it already! Enough bad guys!'.

I just love the eyelashes in this game. Very nice... And, they made crying look realistic.

The kid in the prologue? Bastards (developers) made me cry! Then, playing the game... What? Was he a figment of my imagination? Was he 'beaming' his image to my subconscious through the game?

Joker & EDI... I squeed. It's so cute. I just hope it stays cute. I made sure it did end up that way. More on that later.

So, the argument between the Human customer and Turian merchant from the first game? It continued through all three games. I liked that! I finally got the merchant to just give him the credits... Only to find out that the guy was fighting for 3 plus years game time for 10 or 25 credits. Can't remember exact amount, but get a life!!

I thought I had a bug for the Hanar ambassador quest, so was looking for information. Saw end of quest walkthrough. Events in previous games really do have concequences! If Kasumi had died, or I didn't get her loyalty, I would've had to choose between Spectre force or Hanar & Drell force. Because I did, I get both. Awesome. Turns out it was a good thing I did all the loyalty quests in ME2. Because, all of them are here, and willing to follow me! Yay!

Kaidan and I in the hospital: "Ok, dude. You left me. You wanted nothing to do with me. Granted, I was with a secret, terrorist organization. But, I saved people! Destroyed the collectors at the same time. And, kept my morals, thankyouverymuch! You left me! So, yes, I fell for someone else, even though I still love you. I grieved. Then, I sexed up Jacob O:-). But, thanks for forgiving me for that. I guess I'll forgive you for leaving me." Fine. Okay. All is well in McShep and Kaidan land. Mostly because I want her to be happy in the end.

It's a good thing I made up with Kaiden, since Jacob moved on. "Oh, you're in love with someone else? Why is this my life?? She's pregnant? Oh, wow. Yeah, I'm okay with it. You have my blessing."

Oh... McShep... Somehow, her name in my head developed into McShep. Mostly because everyone in the games calls her Shepard, I've been watching too much Grey's Anatomy, and I've been reading Bioware According to Mom. That's an awesome site, by the way. I would read until I got to the section I haven't played yet, then go back to my game.

Wrex! YES! Hi Wrex! I love the Krogan. I wanted to headbutt the Dalatrass when she wanted me to sabotage the cure. She was lucky she wasn't talking to me in person.

Okay, I love the female Krogan. Cool outfit, and I like how she's planning on making the females more than traded commodities after the war. Go girl!

Goodbye Mordin. I would've loved to see your findings about seashells. [sniff]

Ok... I know I've been playing these games at least half without sound, but why does Udina suddenly sound Irish?

No! Charr! No! -sniff- I ended up saving the Rachni queen... Again... This was a time I went to a walkthrough. I'm sorry Grunt. Saving the queen gives me a higher positive for my war. But, congrats! You survived! Welcome to the sole survivor club! :) (My background was space-raised, sole survivor)

Leviathan: Hackett wants me to help another scientist? The last one went so well! Oh, look. There's a reaper artifact. Damn it, Hackett!

LOL! Edi's reply about the Basilisk in Galaxy of Fantasy video game. I wasn't believing what I was reading.

Leviathan was interesting background on the reapers.

I free the Citadel from Cerberus. HAH! I knew Udina was a rat! I killed him btw. One of the few times I take the renegade option. After I free the Citadel, I suddenly have pages of missions! Planet scanning, here I come.

Why do I buy medi-gel increases? I'm playing at narrative level. I don't need them. I've yet to use a medi-gel on my team. But, it's a knee-jerk reaction. Got to have the upgrade! I went through the whole game, never once using medi-gel.

Just finished a major mission. Time to wander my ship and make sure the crew is well. And, see if any quests need to be done... I just noticed. I can't enter the men's bathroom! Hey! This is my ship!

It wasn't until the convo started over again, but the human and salarian talking in front of Purgatory? She sold her car (her baby) to get him better armour. Wow... Then, during the next go around, I find a bit I missed the first time. I figured it out without it, but I like how they played that.

So, I went back to the commons on the Citadel to make sure there wasn't other missions I needed to pick up. I decide to click on the Blasto 6 movie poster, because it was so funny. It didn't repeat the same thing! It gives pretty much the whole movie! I love it!!

Geth vs Quarian... Again, I did Legion's loyalty quest in ME2. Oh, oops... It turned all the Geth into Reaper followers. Oops.

So, let's go solve this.

I get through the whole thing, and without realizing it, ended up making the Geth stronger and killing the Quarians! NO! I can't let that happen!

So, I redid the end of that mission. The Geth and Quarians are at peace now. Booyah!

Sanctuary. Yeah, things called Hope, Sanctuary, Peace, etc, in games? Never are. Was scared to go. Yeah, I was right. Damn Cerberus. How many people did you slaughter? Assholes.

I don't like those names in games so much, that when I went scanning planets for war assets, I was scared of what I would find in the Utopia system. Ended up being nothing special. -whew-

I didn't mention it, but I do have the From Ashes DLC. I went to Eden Prime, got Jarvik, and left him in his room on the ship. I found him pretty annoying for the most part. Yes, we were apes, and frogs, etc. Yes, we learned how to write... Yes, I know your civilization is gone, I know you're the only living being of your race. Try not to be condescending to the people who got you out of your pod and let you be the epitome of vengeance.

I know from my standpoint, he has reasons upon reasons for his point of view and mannerisms. But, he really annoyed McShep. :)

I think the Grissom Academy was my favorite mission of this game. Just to see Jack as a role model. Oh, the kids? I made them support. I couldn't put them on the front line. I just couldn't...

Just blew up the Cerberus main base, and doing my usual run through the ship to talk to the crew before we head to Earth. Oops! Forgot about Garrus! And, hey, where's Tali? Then, I find them. Bwahahahahahahaha! Their excuses for why they were in a semi-compromising situation. Then, Tali's statement that she's just using Garrus for his body! LOL

I ended up going for the Synthesis option for an ending. The Catalyst tells me that all the endings ended up with Shepard dead (Boo! She deserves to be happy!), but I thought Synthesis was the best ending. If I couldn't be happy, I could at least make EDI and Joker happy. And, I didn't want to be responsible for the death of the Geth race!

Then, I went to a walkthrough. It was possible for me and Anderson to live? If my effective military strength was high enough? Okay... let's see...

So, I redid the game from my last save point (Right before the 'protect the missiles in London). Turns out that most battles, on narrative at least, you can just run through. They don't follow you to the next battle site! So, I ran forward to the missile location, mopped up, armed them, fired, mopped up again, fired the second set, and went for the Citadel.

And found out that if I wanted Anderson to live, I had to pick either paragon or renegade options when dealing with the Illusive Man through the whole game. Sigh. I think I gave that up half way through the game. I had decided he was a believer, and I couldn't get through to him. Sorry, Anderson.

And, then, my EMS wasn't high enough. So, I quit the game before the ending finished.

I'm declaring Synthesis as my ending of this game. At lease EDI is happy. [pout]

If events in this game effect the next Mass Effect game, I may go through is again with a walkthrough the whole way so I can get the ending I want for the next game. But, if not, that's my ending.

I'm sorry McShep. Save a drink in Heaven's bar for the love of your life (Kaiden), you're sisters (Liara, Tali, and EDI), your big brother (Garrus), and all your friends...

Total Time: 52 hours. Never reached level of saturation. Wow... That doesn't happen often!

mass effect, gaming, mass effect 3

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