And, here's my thoughts on Mass Effect 2

Feb 19, 2013 10:42

The post on Mass Effect 3 won't be up until I finish playing that game.

As I said in my last post, I came into this trilogy pretty much unspoiled. So, when I went into Mass Effect 2, all I knew about this world was what happened in Mass Effect.

I am currently halfway (I hope) through mass Effect 3. So, watch spoilers for that. Why 'I hope'? Because, I'm at 40 hours! Nice, big game.

Again, I'm playing a female infiltrator. Decided to stick with what I know.

And, again, hardly ever used powers. There was a few times I used tactical cloak, but mostly it was my sniper rifle I used.

I used Jack and Kasumi almost through the whole game once I got them...

After a few hours of fiddling with the game, and reinstalling, I get to play. Turns out you can't use the config program for ME2 to install the save file from ME1 on Windows 7. The game just won't open. I tested it out on my 'weekend' computer (Windows XP), and the install worked fine for the thirty minutes of the prologue I played. So, after fiddling with things, a reinstall, and re-downloading of all my DLC, I get to get back into the game.

Who blew up my ship?! Joker! No, I can't lose Joker!!!!!

My ship blew up.

Oh, I died too... But, since I already spent the time to make sure the character imported correctly, I'm pretty sure I'll get out of dying. They blew up my ship!

I know I said I try not to like people in the prologue, but I like Jacob. A bit too much it turns out...

I don't know if I like how space travel changed. I liked the 'point and click' method of ME1... I'll have to see if I like it in a few hours when I've worked with it more. I ended up getting used to it and it's now second nature... At least fuel prices didn't go up during the game.

Hacking... I love it yet hate it. I like the idea of it, but I keep missing the exact location of my cursor and ending up in a red zone.

Keymapping between this and Mass Effect. Wow did they get rid of a lot of keys! Thank you!

Last game, I blew up what looked to be a major Cerberus operation. Now, I'm working for them? Huh... Not good in my head.

I haven't watched West Wing in years, but every time I talked to the Illusive Man, I wanted to say, "Hi Mr President!". Oh and Illusive Man? I see what you did there... It's Cigarette Smoking Man from XFiles... just, in charge instead of being 'middle management'.

Horizon, and seeing Kaiden. In my head it went like this: Kaiden!!! Hi, honey! What? Yes, I'm alive and sorta with Cerberus. What? You don't know me anymore? Well, crap. I'm not going to cry. Give me something to kill.

My Shepard doesn't let people know she's in emotional pain. "Hey, how's Shepard feeling?" "Well, she just blew up a geth battalion by herself." "Well, crap. We better stay out of her way."

On Illium, LOL! a Hanar as Dirty Harry! "Enkindle This!" I giggled and giggled over this.

Charr's Poetry!! A Krogan poet! And, it's corny, but I like it! So, of course, I had to convince his Asari love to take him back. Then, when I met them on Tuchanka... Awwww!!!

Oh, yay. Conrad's back. I was my usual paragon self (I usually go for the 'good' choice. It makes my life easier in the long run if we all get along and sing songs wearing daisy chains. LOL! Image of a Krogan with a daisy chain headband!). So, by the end of that Conrad is off creating a charity. Good for him. Just get out of that fake armour!

Picked up a sniper rifle that has 4 shots a clip. I said, and I quote, "Oh, I love you baby!"

The shuttle? Looks like a backwards running Giddyup Buttercup from Mothership Zeta, the Fallout 3 DLC. So, yeah, it freaks me out.

On Tuchanka, I forgot that Krogan like renegade choices. Oops. Luckily, I remembered after first question.

LOL! Shepard headbutted Michael Dorn! Well, Dorn was the voice actor of the character. Hmm... Renegade is fun... May have to try it for a playthrough sometime.

Saturation level of ME2: 31 hours compared to ME, not bad... but, we'll have to see how long it takes ratio wise.

I get 35 hours into a game, *then* a vehicle is introduced? Granted, I would've found it earlier if I had gone on that mission... Cool vehicle, but I miss the 'ability' to barrel roll the Mako tank :-)

Firewalker missions (DLC?): You want a piece of me? Well you can't have it! I'm shooting at you from far away outside of sensor range Thank goodness for unlimited ammo! Thank you game developers for the excellent vehicle coverage from enemy fire on this mission. I just jump the vehicle & shoot.

I enjoyed almost all of the loyalty missions. I thought Kasumi's was the most fun. I didn't have to shoot my way in and out. I got to take part in a heist.

Even though, every time I talked to Kasumi and she mentioned it was too bad Jacob and I didn't work out, I freaked a bit. I decided Shepard's heart was broken by Kaiden, so she went after Jacob. Either it was a glitch, or Kasumi was being evil.

Shadowbroker DLC: Okay pause on saving the universe. I'm off hunting an information broker. Maybe I'll get a new dress out of it... Something not sleeveless.

Why is a Spectre here where I'm searching for friend? Don't walk away! Fine. I'll probably have to kill you later

Wow kitchens haven't come a long way between now and 2185 even with alien influences And why does an Asari have a human kitchen?

Hah! I knew I'd end up killing her. Galactic secret agent became bad guy. Let me warm up my trusty sniper rifle...

What!? Now I have to drive a sky taxi? Vehicles in games and I don't mix! Let's see how many times I crash...

"What type of guns does this thing have?" "It's a taxi. It has a fare meter." LOL!

"Truck! Truck! There's a truck!" "Calm down, I see it." "You're enjoying this!" Yes, I was. Fun! Yes, I was driving. :-)

I picked up Legion. Wonder how much screaming I could induce by going to the Citadel? O:-) Ends up, not a thing happens. No screaming, no running... It was sad.

Why can't my character romance Joker? At least he stayed with me through 2 games, and will probably be with me in the third. Oh, Shepard isn't bitter, oh no...

I'm glad I did Jack's loyalty mission so I could give her a different outfit... It was distracting.

Overlord DLC: "This facility contains hostile AI. You assume all risk of personal injury or death." It made me grin, since I'll be doing the injury!

Huh... I learned in Portal to shoot cameras off the walls. I just discovered I'm automatically doing that in Overlord.

Last night, was playing this with no sound. Today, have earphones. The music and sound effects of this base is creeping me out! It was all creepy going into the base Full of creaks and turned off geth. Oh look. Overriding the lockdown I need turns them on. Yay.

End of Overlord... My mouth dropped in horror over David.

Bioware: Jerking our heart strings in so many ways from yesterdays until tomorrow.

Arrival DLC: You want to blow up a star system, act suspicious when I demand proof why it's necessary, then tell me to sit back and relax? Um, no. And, oh look! I have a chance to stock up on ammo. Not suspicious at all.

Why are fights in DLC so much harder than the game itself? Bah.

I was able to get all the minions (Yes, they're my minions), I romanced Jacob (only half rebound, I think), and did all the loyalty missions. Even if that was the only time I used that character in the game.

I do have to admit that this game, I did peek at the wiki a few times. I looked up the worlds rich in eezo for mining. And, I did read a bit about the suicide mission because I wanted to all of them to live. They all did.

Mining! Oh... I'm fifty fifty on that... On one hand, I get the materials I need for upgrades. On the other, I have to buy probes. I want to keep my money, darn it!

Of course, there are more things in the game that I loved/hated/etc, but I didn't write them down...

mass effect 2, mass effect, gaming

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