(no subject)

Apr 15, 2010 11:39

I think I'm done with Final Fantasy XIII for now... I'll probably pick it back up in six months or so and start over.

I always want to do everything in a game, but there comes a time when I just don't think it's worth it. It's the battle after battle after battle to get enough points to level up in order to go beat that one last, optional, boss that is the toughest in the game.

So, I think I'm going to put this on the backburner and go back to Last Remnant.

Then, after vacation, I'm going to see about Dragon Age: Awakenings...

And, I just noticed that it's usually Final Fantasy games that I finally give up on... I still haven't gotten a Gold Chocobo in Final Fantasy VII... Someday!

ff13, gaming

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