I can't do anything anymore. My family officialy hates me. I think i am going to give up on my family...I mean there my family..and i do care about them...but they hate me..so why try hm? oh well. I guess all i can do is live strong and try hard. But even though i say this..im not compleatly sure about that. Despite what my family does to me I still worry. For example my grandfather has been sick for a week. And he started with a virus..but turned into something worse. Pluss my great grandmother is sick and not taking her pill's...this is all to hard..heh. I guess all of this is making things stressfull...but i have to deal with it..and try to not dwell on the past. Heh..there i go again..im trying to make things sound better then they are...thats me trying to be happy..heh