Yelling some more

May 07, 2008 01:22

Too tired to write much of a blurb, but I gave 1072 what-for again in Local.

[ 2008.05.05 00:53:57 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Hey, 1072! You gonna come out to play, or what?
[ 2008.05.05 00:53:57 ] Drave McClay > no takers?
[ 2008.05.05 00:54:00 ] omarey > McClay, what does trimarked mean?
[ 2008.05.05 00:54:10 ] Drave McClay > it has 3x trimark armor rigs
[ 2008.05.05 00:54:30 ] omarey > ah, and how much are you looking to sell it for?
[ 2008.05.05 00:54:38 ] Drave McClay > 95m
[ 2008.05.05 00:54:49 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Look, you only died three times today. You're keeping us way behind schedule here.
[ 2008.05.05 00:55:16 ] Drave McClay > interested omarey?
[ 2008.05.05 00:55:44 ] omarey > not really, thanks though, I'am savin up for a abaddon
[ 2008.05.05 00:56:04 ] Deirdre Morrigan > C'mon, 1072! If you keep stalling like this, we'll be forced to pod you just to make quota!
[ 2008.05.05 00:56:39 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Y'know, it's not polite to wardec someone and then hide like a pussy. I mean, that's just bad manners.
[ 2008.05.05 00:57:10 ] Deirdre Morrigan > What would the children think?
[ 2008.05.05 00:57:22 ] People Eater > [Megathron]
[ 2008.05.05 00:57:57 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Please, 1072... if you won't let yourself be podded for the love we once shared, could you at least do it for the kids?
[ 2008.05.05 00:58:29 ] Jin'kou > Won't someone please think of the children...
[ 2008.05.05 00:58:55 ] nightwalker84 > screw the children put them in a work shop
[ 2008.05.05 00:59:00 ] Samzig Sogunda > lol nice name
[ 2008.05.05 00:59:04 ] Samzig Sogunda > people eater haha
[ 2008.05.05 00:59:09 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Listen to Jin'kou, 1072. Listen to your friend.
[ 2008.05.05 00:59:10 ] Teh Tripple > i need some pvp im getting bored of sitting around all the time
[ 2008.05.05 00:59:10 ] People Eater > :)
[ 2008.05.05 00:59:50 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Look at Teh Tripple's suffering, won't you? Here you are, with all this perfectly good PvP practically at your doorstep!
[ 2008.05.05 00:59:57 ] Deirdre Morrigan > And what do you do? You let it go to waste.
[ 2008.05.05 01:00:19 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Teh Tripple is out here STARVING! (ahem... for PvP)
[ 2008.05.05 01:00:28 ] Deirdre Morrigan > And you're just ignoring this?
[ 2008.05.05 01:00:32 ] Teh Tripple > :(
[ 2008.05.05 01:00:38 ] Teh Tripple > lol
[ 2008.05.05 01:00:49 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Look into those sad, pixelated eyes. Don't you have a heart, 1072?
[ 2008.05.05 01:01:26 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You could turn that frown upside-down for the low, low cost of... whatever the hell ship you're flying!
[ 2008.05.05 01:01:53 ] Teh Tripple > yeh i will but not in this ship
[ 2008.05.05 01:02:03 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Don't you want to spread joy in the world? Don't you want to make people happy? What higher aim is there in life?
[ 2008.05.05 01:02:33 ] PriorUziel > wow, I feel reborn
[ 2008.05.05 01:03:01 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Please, 1072. Why can't you see our side of this? Why do you hate happiness?
[ 2008.05.05 01:04:14 ] PriorUziel > make war not love
[ 2008.05.05 01:04:20 ] Deirdre Morrigan > It doesn't have to be like this, 1072. You don't have to be a frightened pansy for the rest of your life.
[ 2008.05.05 01:04:22 ] Mag'nal > yarr
[ 2008.05.05 01:04:37 ] omarey > [Multiple Items]
[ 2008.05.05 01:04:58 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You could grow! You could become a better man! You could... why, I dare say you might be able to be 1073 by the end of tonight, if you'd just take the first step out of that station!
[ 2008.05.05 01:05:21 ] Deirdre Morrigan > That's all I'm asking... just that one little step... over and over and over again... in a different ship every time...
[ 2008.05.05 01:05:56 ] PriorUziel > rofl
[ 2008.05.05 01:06:02 ] PriorUziel > *1073*
[ 2008.05.05 01:06:07 ] PriorUziel > comedy gold
[ 2008.05.05 01:06:58 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Look at yourself, 1072. Look at what you've become. Look at how far you have fallen. I remember a time when we would challenge you to a duel, and your stupid noob ass would agree.
[ 2008.05.05 01:07:07 ] omarey > wts 7 Aurora M 2 Amarr Navy Gamma M 2 Amarr Navy Multifrequency M 2 Amarr Navy Radio M 10 Amarr Navy Radio S
[ 2008.05.05 01:07:47 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I remember a time when you would say to a challenge, "Well, I have another ship, but it's four jumps out." And you would go get that ship, and then we would blow it up.
[ 2008.05.05 01:08:06 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You were so committed to getting your fool ass exploderated!
[ 2008.05.05 01:08:54 ] Deirdre Morrigan > It was inspiring to watch your ships get blown out of the sky, one by one by one...
[ 2008.05.05 01:09:04 ] Taron Phae > WTB Gist X-Type SBA and Raysere's/Selynne's Modified (3x) Tachyons and (2x) Heat Sinks
[ 2008.05.05 01:09:19 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I miss those days, 1072. Why can't we go back to then? Those were the good old days, and you've gone and ruined them!
[ 2008.05.05 01:10:18 ] Deirdre Morrigan > And now this is the best you can do? Hiding yourself away in a golden phallic station, ruining everyone else's fun by continuing to live?
[ 2008.05.05 01:10:43 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Unless you're waiting for your carrier skill to finish training, I don't know what could be taking you so long!
[ 2008.05.05 01:10:56 ] PriorUziel > rofl
[ 2008.05.05 01:11:34 ] Deirdre Morrigan > So this is it, 1072? You're just gonna stay inside that golden space wang forever? You're just going to lull yourself into a sense of security in that massive metal dong?
[ 2008.05.05 01:11:51 ] Vim Vegan > Come out already you DICK QUIEF!
[ 2008.05.05 01:11:54 ] PriorUziel > 1072 please leave the station ffs, it's hard to breath from all this laughter
[ 2008.05.05 01:11:55 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I'll bet the enormous starcock makes you feel nice and secure.
[ 2008.05.05 01:12:12 ] PriorUziel > is he in a thorax?
[ 2008.05.05 01:12:38 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Listen to Prior Uziel. He's your friend. He has your best interests at heart. I swear to God.
[ 2008.05.05 01:13:24 ] PriorUziel > I am literally crying with laughter
[ 2008.05.05 01:14:25 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Look at this, 1072! Look at Uziel's face! Your shameful, stupid, fearful, stupid, pathetic, and stupid behavior has him crying, for fuck's sake!
[ 2008.05.05 01:14:54 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Are you going to let his suffering continue, just so you can postpone your stupid, inevitable fate?
[ 2008.05.05 01:15:27 ] Kerak Delgado > WTS Domination 10MN MicroWarpdrive
[ 2008.05.05 01:15:28 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Or are you going to man up? Are you going to take charge? Will you become the man you were meant to be?
[ 2008.05.05 01:15:54 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Do you have the courage to get blown up over and over and over again, so I can stop trying to come up with innovative new insults to sling at you?
[ 2008.05.05 01:16:59 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I mean, my willpower and charisma are being taxed here, 1072. It's taking all the spite and bluster I can summon just to sit out here and try to think of new ways to make fun of your candy ass.
[ 2008.05.05 01:18:13 ] Deirdre Morrigan > And there you are, shamed into silence, cowering like a baby in the comfort of that huge metallic homage to cock-worship.
[ 2008.05.05 01:18:28 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Is this what it's come to, 1072? You'd rather worship the cock than die like a man?
[ 2008.05.05 01:19:03 ] PriorUziel > please 1072, please leave the station, I'm almost at the point of tearing gut muscles ffs rofl
[ 2008.05.05 01:19:28 ] Deirdre Morrigan > What's it gonna be, huh? Will you cry all day like a helpless, defensive, stupid, ugly animal? Or will you stand and fight the good fight? And fight it briefly, and lose?
[ 2008.05.05 01:19:41 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Over and over again?
[ 2008.05.05 01:21:25 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Well, 1072? Don't you have anything to say?
[ 2008.05.05 01:21:30 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Or has the cock got your tongue?
[ 2008.05.05 01:21:33 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I mean, "cat."
[ 2008.05.05 01:21:35 ] PriorUziel > rofl
[ 2008.05.05 01:21:46 ] Bignfurrie > 1/10
[ 2008.05.05 01:22:02 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Whatever, you're chowing down on the hot cock and guzzling man-chowder like it's going out of style.
[ 2008.05.05 01:22:25 ] Deirdre Morrigan > That's what I meant.
[ 2008.05.05 01:22:29 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You coksucker.
[ 2008.05.05 01:23:04 ] Deirdre Morrigan > So yeah, do you think you could take a few seconds out of your busy schedule of being the priest's hand-puppet? The press would like a few words.
[ 2008.05.05 01:23:51 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Really, just a couple. Throw a few bones to the paparazzi.
[ 2008.05.05 01:24:17 ] Deirdre Morrigan > That's us, by the way. We're trying to take your picture. With guns. It takes a while for the film to expose, though. We need a lot of shots.
[ 2008.05.05 01:24:41 ] PriorUziel > rofl
[ 2008.05.05 01:24:47 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Look, what I'm saying is, if you'd just admit in Local that you're sucking cock and that's why you can't come out to play, then we'd probably count that as a moral victory and call it a night.
[ 2008.05.05 01:25:13 ] Jin'kou > So... You guys chase your quarry to the heart of carebeardia often?
[ 2008.05.05 01:25:23 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Really, that's what I've been reduced to here. I don't even care about blowing you up any more, I will be happy with some self-induced public humiliation.
[ 2008.05.05 01:26:36 ] Deirdre Morrigan > No, Jin'kou, this asshole just wardec'd us over some stupid shit, then acted like a pansy, then pissed us off later, then wardec'd us again after being soundly whupped in round 1.
[ 2008.05.05 01:26:49 ] Jin'kou > xD
[ 2008.05.05 01:27:16 ] Deirdre Morrigan > So basically, he's a victim of circumstance, but they're circumstances that it seems he kind of deliberately sought out.
[ 2008.05.05 01:27:41 ] Azzma > hahaha
[ 2008.05.05 01:27:49 ] Azzma > that boy said "cock" got ur tongue
[ 2008.05.05 01:27:51 ] Azzma > hahah
[ 2008.05.05 01:27:55 ] PriorUziel > omg this is comedy gold, I have replaced the ambiotic fluid in my capsule with a foul smelling substitute
[ 2008.05.05 01:28:08 ] Jin'kou > Interesting events like this station-heckling of yours are once in a blue moon here, and no pew pew.. I'll be getting back into Vale soon.. ;3;
[ 2008.05.05 01:28:15 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I mean, I don't know who wakes up in the morning and says, "You know what? I feel like being camped all day." But wow, if you ever find yourself thinking that, just ask 1072 for advice. He's come up with a foolproof method.
[ 2008.05.05 01:28:23 ] Jin'kou > Come on 1072! ;3; You can do it, do your best!
[ 2008.05.05 01:28:43 ] Jin'kou > /emote chants. "You can do it, do your best!"
[ 2008.05.05 01:29:07 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Yeah! That's it! Check it out, 1072! You've even got a cheerleader here!
[ 2008.05.05 01:29:23 ] Jin'kou > . \o\
[ 2008.05.05 01:29:23 ] Deirdre Morrigan > This is gonna be the best death yet!
[ 2008.05.05 01:29:25 ] Jin'kou > . /o/
[ 2008.05.05 01:29:27 ] PriorUziel > the people of khanid are waiting for you 1072, they are waiting for your press release, dont keep us waiting chief
[ 2008.05.05 01:29:30 ] Jin'kou > . \o/
[ 2008.05.05 01:29:32 ] Azzma > go 1072!
[ 2008.05.05 01:29:51 ] PriorUziel > /emote gives Jin'kou some pompoms
[ 2008.05.05 01:29:59 ] Deirdre Morrigan > We got stadium lights, we got cheerleaders, we got paparazzi, all you have to do is come out of your little hidey-hole in the space wang, and kapow!
[ 2008.05.05 01:30:02 ] Jin'kou > *\o/*
[ 2008.05.05 01:30:16 ] Deirdre Morrigan > We'll blow you out of the sky in no time!
[ 2008.05.05 01:30:27 ] PriorUziel > let that giant space cock ejaculate you 1072
[ 2008.05.05 01:30:38 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Yeah! Woo! Rah, rah, rah!
[ 2008.05.05 01:30:54 ] Jin'kou > Come out 1072, and a winrawr is you!
[ 2008.05.05 01:31:01 ] Deirdre Morrigan > /emote makes her best Big Bad Wolf face and says, "Little bitch, little bitch, let me in..."
[ 2008.05.05 01:31:26 ] Deirdre Morrigan > /emote then sings in a high, whiny voice, "Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!"
[ 2008.05.05 01:32:12 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Look at this, 1072! We got half the system here just waiting for you to show your ugly little face! They're waiting for you to come get your fool ass blown up!
[ 2008.05.05 01:32:33 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Are you really going to send them all home disappointed? Are you going to let down the fan base you've built up?
[ 2008.05.05 01:32:48 ] PriorUziel > I put a glass to the wall next to his quarters, he either has asthma or really likes this station?
[ 2008.05.05 01:32:55 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Come on out and give us all a show!
[ 2008.05.05 01:33:29 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Oh, I guess he's trying to masturbate the space-cock. Yeah, running from one end of the station to the other isn't exactly the best way to stroke a wang of this size.
[ 2008.05.05 01:33:59 ] Deirdre Morrigan > C'mon, 1072. This isn't exactly a difficult or complicated thing we're asking you to do here.
[ 2008.05.05 01:34:28 ] Deirdre Morrigan > It's not like 12-stepping or anything. That only has a 5% chance of working, anyway. Our process is a simple, streamlined, 2-step plan.
[ 2008.05.05 01:34:38 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Step one is "Undock."
[ 2008.05.05 01:34:43 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Step two is "Blow up."
[ 2008.05.05 01:34:49 ] Deirdre Morrigan > We'll even take care of step two for you!
[ 2008.05.05 01:35:35 ] Jin'kou > 1072, it is of the utmost importance that you undock right away.. your aahh.. your mother is here to see you?
[ 2008.05.05 01:36:00 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Really, man. This is what's best for you. Would I lie to you? Just give in to peer pressure already, so we can all go... well, we won't go anywhere. You'll have to dock again to get a new ship, but then we're right back to step one!
[ 2008.05.05 01:36:17 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Yes! Jin'kou's right! Your mother's right here!
[ 2008.05.05 01:36:36 ] Deirdre Morrigan > She's right out here in Marlo Adontis' Ferox, waiting to say "Hi" to you.
[ 2008.05.05 01:36:38 ] CrazieSammie > actually shes over at my place :(
[ 2008.05.05 01:36:40 ] Jin'kou > If you don't undock at once, you won't get your allowance! ;3;
[ 2008.05.05 01:36:43 ] Deirdre Morrigan > She says she's missed you.
[ 2008.05.05 01:37:15 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Look, 1072: the point is, your mother's a whore, and lots of spaceship pilots have been giving it to her hard for the last... well... forever.
[ 2008.05.05 01:37:37 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Wait, no... whores charge money. You're mother's more of a slut.
[ 2008.05.05 01:37:37 ] CrazieSammie > im actually his father :(
[ 2008.05.05 01:38:30 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Well... no, sluts usually need to get drunk, or you have to compliment them or something, and then they sleep with you to fix their self-esteem issues, and there's a whole vicious cycle. Your mom just gets wheeled around on a gurney with her legs sprea
[ 2008.05.05 01:38:34 ] Deirdre Morrigan > *spread.
[ 2008.05.05 01:38:39 ] PriorUziel > 1072, you're embarassing CrazieSammie with your shannanigans
[ 2008.05.05 01:38:55 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Yeah! That's right!
[ 2008.05.05 01:39:03 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Your father would be ashamed of you!
[ 2008.05.05 01:39:07 ] Deirdre Morrigan > .....whoever the hell he is!
[ 2008.05.05 01:39:19 ] CrazieSammie > Name: CrazieSammie (laid the final blow)Security: 1.5Alliance: NONECorp: Farlight Optic CouncilShip: DrakeWeapon: Scourge Heavy MissileDamage Done: 6671
[ 2008.05.05 01:39:30 ] CrazieSammie > :D
[ 2008.05.05 01:39:32 ] Jin'kou > This is a fearsome heckling, perhaps he's already succumbed- to such an extent that he no longer has the sense left to undock.
[ 2008.05.05 01:40:01 ] Jin'kou > Such a fearsome heckling I haven't seen outside of Hydra space during the MDK invasion...
[ 2008.05.05 01:40:05 ] CrazieSammie > im running out of missles :(
[ 2008.05.05 01:40:18 ] CrazieSammie > from shooting him then having him dock again :(
[ 2008.05.05 01:40:48 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Oh, don't you fear, Jin'kou. I can guarantee that he's "succumbed" to quite a few things already.
[ 2008.05.05 01:41:21 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Chief among them being the dick in his ass.
[ 2008.05.05 01:41:29 ] PriorUziel > well this is embarassing for the people of khanid
[ 2008.05.05 01:41:35 ] PriorUziel > come on 1072
[ 2008.05.05 01:41:59 ] Deirdre Morrigan > 1072 embarrasses everyone and everything in a six-system radius.
[ 2008.05.05 01:43:08 ] Mal Factor > If he trains Embarrassing V he can affect the whole system!
[ 2008.05.05 01:43:15 ] PriorUziel > come on 1072, give up your liver, it's all for the good of the nation?
[ 2008.05.05 01:43:23 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Damn skippy!
[ 2008.05.05 01:43:25 ] Jenny Wimbishi > CCP should fix the aggression system... a ship under attack can't dock... *heh*
[ 2008.05.05 01:43:41 ] Deirdre Morrigan > CP will give him the title, "1072: Embarrassment to the Galaxy."
[ 2008.05.05 01:43:47 ] Deirdre Morrigan > *CCP, that is.
[ 2008.05.05 01:44:30 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I like your idea, Jenny. Pay off some mechanic to just shove his ship outside.
[ 2008.05.05 01:44:40 ] Dogg KHK > new or old [;ayers welcome convo me if you wanna join pvp/industrialist corporation
[ 2008.05.05 01:45:19 ] SpawnofPain > hi all im noob how do i blow people up with out pissing off police
[ 2008.05.05 01:45:35 ] PriorUziel > join 1072's corp
[ 2008.05.05 01:45:39 ] PriorUziel > oh blow them up?
[ 2008.05.05 01:45:41 ] PriorUziel > idk
[ 2008.05.05 01:45:44 ] Dogg KHK > join my corp and i can teaCH YOU ALL ABOUT THAT
[ 2008.05.05 01:45:45 ] SpawnofPain > no he is who i wanna kill
[ 2008.05.05 01:46:05 ] PriorUziel > I honestly dont know
[ 2008.05.05 01:46:11 ] PriorUziel > what ship is he in?
[ 2008.05.05 01:46:16 ] SpawnofPain > okok 1072 undock so i can shoot you
[ 2008.05.05 01:46:45 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Yeah! Now this other guy's waiting on you, too!
[ 2008.05.05 01:46:51 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Look at this scene out here!
[ 2008.05.05 01:47:27 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You've got over half a dozen people out here just waiting ever so patiently for you to show your dumb face so we can fire our missiles at it!
[ 2008.05.05 01:47:34 ] SpawnofPain > lol if he hold still long enought i can pod him
[ 2008.05.05 01:47:55 ] Teh Tripple > or you could invite me to your gang then i dont have to drop a can :P
[ 2008.05.05 01:47:55 ] SpawnofPain > oh and i joined a corp that his corp has war decked
[ 2008.05.05 01:48:00 ] CrazieSammie > if he would ever undock
[ 2008.05.05 01:48:03 ] Deirdre Morrigan > 1072 declared war on us without any idea of what he was getting into, apparently.
[ 2008.05.05 01:49:01 ] SpawnofPain > invite me to gang
[ 2008.05.05 01:49:02 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I don't know what business a four-man corporation has declaring war on a 45-man corporation, but... aww, who am I kidding? Look, the guy's obviously retarded, plain and simple. We just want to put him out of his retarded misery. Over and over again.
[ 2008.05.05 01:49:08 ] SpawnofPain > who is your ceo
[ 2008.05.05 01:49:52 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Jesus Christ is my CEO.
[ 2008.05.05 01:50:03 ] SpawnofPain > never mind i found it
[ 2008.05.05 01:50:07 ] Deirdre Morrigan > And he's crying right now because 1072 won't sacrifice himself for the happiness of others.
[ 2008.05.05 01:50:26 ] SpawnofPain > if you guys will go away i can kill him
[ 2008.05.05 01:50:36 ] PriorUziel > for every second 1072 stays angel cries in heaven :*(
[ 2008.05.05 01:50:43 ] CrazieSammie > will you come out if i get me CnR?
[ 2008.05.05 01:51:06 ] CrazieSammie > can try and blow that up
[ 2008.05.05 01:51:12 ] Deirdre Morrigan > And every time 1072 masturbates with a kitten, God kills Himself.
[ 2008.05.05 01:51:29 ] Deirdre Morrigan > This is why Nietzsche said, "God is dead."
[ 2008.05.05 01:51:41 ] PriorUziel > I heard he was in the tv?
[ 2008.05.05 01:51:49 ] SpawnofPain > hehehehe hi shamis
[ 2008.05.05 01:52:35 ] Sheamis Kast > 0/
[ 2008.05.05 01:53:19 ] CrazieSammie > _I_
[ 2008.05.05 01:53:23 ] ALLYAHH > .i.
[ 2008.05.05 01:54:04 ] Borb Mizzet > allyahh is a noob
[ 2008.05.05 01:54:05 ] PriorUziel > (_8(I) "Come out 1072, I got donuts?"
[ 2008.05.05 01:54:12 ] Deirdre Morrigan > So what's it gonna be, 1072? You gonna keep wiping your pin-dick on those poor kittens? Or are you gonna set aside the sticky children's fashion magazines you whack off to, put on your cum-stained pants, get in the pod you filled all by yourself...
[ 2008.05.05 01:54:19 ] CrazieSammie > i got a hooker out here for ya
[ 2008.05.05 01:54:19 ] Deirdre Morrigan > ...and die like... well, not like a man.
[ 2008.05.05 01:54:25 ] Deirdre Morrigan > More like a... fish.
[ 2008.05.05 01:54:32 ] Teh Tripple > lol get in a frig borb
[ 2008.05.05 01:54:34 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You know, something with diminished cognitive capacity.
[ 2008.05.05 01:54:40 ] Deirdre Morrigan > But still capable of some thought.
[ 2008.05.05 01:54:44 ] Teh Tripple > overkill if i take you on
[ 2008.05.05 01:56:19 ] Deirdre Morrigan > So yeah, that's your choice, 1072: keep jizzing on baby animals, or die like a fish. This is what your life has come to. What would your mother think?
[ 2008.05.05 01:56:35 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Crazie, is she about? Ask her what she thinks of her son's behavior.
[ 2008.05.05 01:56:43 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You banged her last, right?
[ 2008.05.05 01:56:52 ] CrazieSammie > not last night
[ 2008.05.05 01:56:55 ] CrazieSammie > i was with my wife
[ 2008.05.05 01:56:59 ] CrazieSammie > but the other night yeah
[ 2008.05.05 01:57:05 ] Deirdre Morrigan > .....or was that Marlo in the back alley of that crack-house?
[ 2008.05.05 01:58:10 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Look, whatever. The point is, 1072's mom is a raggedy-ass cum-dumpster with a sewer-puss so worn out, it's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.
[ 2008.05.05 01:58:20 ] Lyran Draconis > NO U
[ 2008.05.05 01:58:32 ] PriorUziel > rofl!
[ 2008.05.05 01:58:45 ] PriorUziel > never eating hotfogs again lol
[ 2008.05.05 01:58:50 ] PriorUziel > dogs*
[ 2008.05.05 01:58:58 ] Lyran Draconis > I don't like hotfogs either.
[ 2008.05.05 01:59:17 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Don't eat 1072's mom, either.
[ 2008.05.05 01:59:40 ] Turd Hurdler > hmm, his mom
[ 2008.05.05 01:59:46 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Scientists agree, that's about one of the most disgusting things a person can do.
[ 2008.05.05 02:00:54 ] Aramis Rosicrux > "Scientists" Hmmm. You been playing "doctor" again?
[ 2008.05.05 02:01:18 ] SpawnofPain > get off my wreakis
[ 2008.05.05 02:01:25 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Yes, it takes someone with a degree in marine biology to act as 1072's mom's gynecologist.
[ 2008.05.05 02:03:02 ] SpawnofPain > apparently i piised off the sentrys
[ 2008.05.05 02:03:12 ] Deirdre Morrigan > So I heard this story... 1072 went to his dad and asked, "Dad, what's the difference between theory and reality?" His dad says, "Well, son... go ask your mother if she'd sleep with a man for a million dollars."
[ 2008.05.05 02:03:55 ] Deirdre Morrigan > 1072 goes and asks his mom, and she says, "Yes," so he goes and tells his dad. He says, "Well, son... now go ask your sister the same question." So he does, and she also says yes, so he goes back to his dad.
[ 2008.05.05 02:04:26 ] Deirdre Morrigan > 1072's dad then tells him, "Now, son... in theory, we're both millionaires. But in reality, we're just fuckin' a couple whores."
[ 2008.05.05 02:05:26 ] Jin'kou > /emote accompanies the story with obscure interpretive pom-pom dance, then succumbs to punchline.
[ 2008.05.05 02:06:00 ] DimeBagHo > 1072 come out to play
[ 2008.05.05 02:06:00 ] DimeBagHo > lol
[ 2008.05.05 02:06:00 ] Jin'kou > Speaking of the punchline, are you ready for your close up yet, 1072!?
[ 2008.05.05 02:06:07 ] SpawnofPain > i cant attack him because i have aggression contdown
[ 2008.05.05 02:06:09 ] Ania Tsaluan > [Multiple Items]
[ 2008.05.05 02:06:28 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Is this how you want to be remembered, 1072? Do you want to go down in history as the guy who wouldn't go down in flames because he was going down on an old Amarr priest?
[ 2008.05.05 02:06:45 ] CrazieSammie > LOL
[ 2008.05.05 02:06:48 ] CrazieSammie > OMFG
[ 2008.05.05 02:07:06 ] Phaux Camus > haha
[ 2008.05.05 02:07:34 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Do you want to be remembered as the man... well... not exactly "man." More like... a frightened squirrel...
[ 2008.05.05 02:08:08 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Do you want to be remembered as the frightened squirrell who couldn't put aside his petty, selfish, stupid concerns and come outside to give all his fans a show?
[ 2008.05.05 02:08:29 ] CrazieSammie > and what a neat display it will be too
[ 2008.05.05 02:08:33 ] CrazieSammie > all the fireworks
[ 2008.05.05 02:08:38 ] Borb Mizzet > tripple
[ 2008.05.05 02:08:42 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Do you want to be remembered as the pussy who let down an audience of... I dunno, a dozen or so... just because he couldn't stop sucking cock?
[ 2008.05.05 02:08:42 ] Borb Mizzet > take my can
[ 2008.05.05 02:10:10 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Or will you pull that dick out of your mouth... and pull out the one in your ass, too... and take hold of your destiny? Will you come out into the void and test your mettle? Will you undock and die in a way that kinda-sorta resembles a man's death?
[ 2008.05.05 02:10:31 ] SpawnofPain > hey did you know that 1072 has a 14 inch dick
[ 2008.05.05 02:10:44 ] SpawnofPain > to bad some one shoved it up his ass
[ 2008.05.05 02:10:53 ] Deirdre Morrigan > HIYOOOO!
[ 2008.05.05 02:11:29 ] SpawnofPain > hey dont let those cock suckers take my wreaks
[ 2008.05.05 02:12:27 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Well, this is certainly interesting.
[ 2008.05.05 02:12:39 ] Borb Mizzet > meh gf
[ 2008.05.05 02:12:47 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I never thought I'd see the day when 1072 would beat me at The Waiting Game.
[ 2008.05.05 02:13:00 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I mean, I just never thought I'd run out of horrible things to say about his mother.
[ 2008.05.05 02:13:06 ] Deirdre Morrigan > And accurate things to say about him.
[ 2008.05.05 02:13:07 ] Teh Tripple > yeh gf
[ 2008.05.05 02:13:09 ] Deirdre Morrigan > But here we are.
[ 2008.05.05 02:14:02 ] Teh Tripple > >.< i hate it when they take your loot before you can open it lol they are like rats
[ 2008.05.05 02:14:03 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Well, 1072, I don't know if you'll even read this, because you're probably passed out on your keyboard with still-warm semen dribbling from your orifices.
[ 2008.05.05 02:14:45 ] Deirdre Morrigan > But just the same, I have to say: you've won this round. Kind of. Really, you managed to hide in a giant space-schlong for hours while people waited to kill you right outside.
[ 2008.05.05 02:15:01 ] Borb Mizzet > yeah im waiting for that guy now
[ 2008.05.05 02:15:08 ] Vim Vegan > What do you call a 1072 with a runny nose?
[ 2008.05.05 02:15:09 ] Deirdre Morrigan > But in some circles - in some cowardly, timid, pathetic circles - that might be considered a moral victory, I guess.
[ 2008.05.05 02:15:13 ] Vim Vegan > FULL!
[ 2008.05.05 02:15:20 ] Jin'kou > There's been a lot of that semen talk. I hope nobody's been eating a yoghurt and watching local.
[ 2008.05.05 02:15:23 ] Jin'kou > ¬.¬;;
[ 2008.05.05 02:15:27 ] Deirdre Morrigan > /emote cheers at Vim's joke.
[ 2008.05.05 02:16:08 ] SpawnofPain > to bad we can just blow up the station with him in it
[ 2008.05.05 02:16:09 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I hope someone has, Jin'kou, so that 1072's weekend activities have once more brought guilt down upon his head for causing the suffering of another.
[ 2008.05.05 02:16:21 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Way to go, 1072. You just ruined yogurt for a lot of people.
[ 2008.05.05 02:16:35 ] Deirdre Morrigan > All because you're a fag.
[ 2008.05.05 02:16:38 ] Deirdre Morrigan > What a fag.
[ 2008.05.05 02:16:52 ] Arifel > who called me
[ 2008.05.05 02:17:00 ] XBL DCM > too many station huggers
[ 2008.05.05 02:17:17 ] Luscious Linda > lotta hate in this system, who needs a hug?
[ 2008.05.05 02:17:28 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You talk to 1072 about that, XBL DCM. It's all because his pansy ass won't come out to die.
[ 2008.05.05 02:18:03 ] Deirdre Morrigan > As for me, I've had a long night of yelling at dumb-fucks. I could use a drink.
[ 2008.05.05 02:18:04 ] Arifel > 1072 is under my trojan protection
[ 2008.05.05 02:18:11 ] DimeBagHo > lol i see he's making more friends
[ 2008.05.05 02:18:46 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Oh! Dimebagho!
[ 2008.05.05 02:18:56 ] DimeBagHo > hey man
[ 2008.05.05 02:19:04 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You can take up the challenge of shaming 1072 to death in Local.
[ 2008.05.05 02:19:09 ] Deckarda > xbl sucks ;\
[ 2008.05.05 02:19:15 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I've been going at it for... oh, I'd say a good solid hour or so.
[ 2008.05.05 02:19:32 ] DimeBagHo > he wont come out he has bitten off more than he can chew
[ 2008.05.05 02:19:57 ] Alexander Nergal > 1072 not that fgt again
[ 2008.05.05 02:20:08 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Basically, you just sit outside the docking gate with your guns primed, and question his parentage, insult his anatomy, and yell aobut how mighty gay he is.
[ 2008.05.05 02:20:29 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Seriously. That guy is gayer than AIDS.
[ 2008.05.05 02:20:31 ] DimeBagHo > lol
[ 2008.05.05 02:20:54 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Just keep reminding him of that until he logs out. Hopefully, forever.
[ 2008.05.05 02:21:00 ] Arifel > dude's got the bugs yo, that ain't fumy
[ 2008.05.05 02:21:10 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Our goal here is to make him cry so hard that he quits EVE.
[ 2008.05.05 02:21:24 ] Alexander Nergal > i support this endevour
[ 2008.05.05 02:22:03 ] Deirdre Morrigan > All right! We've already got something of a following built up here.
[ 2008.05.05 02:22:09 ] DimeBagHo > yes i think that is a good plan
[ 2008.05.05 02:22:39 ] SpawnofPain > hey if any one wants the stuff in these cans they can have it i am logging '
[ 2008.05.05 02:22:47 ] Deirdre Morrigan > OK, with that all wrapped up, I'm going to go sleep the sleep of the just.
[ 2008.05.05 02:22:53 ] Jin'kou > Well, I'm going to retire now. The hour is young- and 1072 may like 'em that way, but I've got important things to do tomorrow..
[ 2008.05.05 02:23:03 ] DimeBagHo > lol
[ 2008.05.05 02:23:07 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Ha ha ha!
[ 2008.05.05 02:23:22 ] DimeBagHo > so he wont talk at all
[ 2008.05.05 02:23:40 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Right.
[ 2008.05.05 02:23:53 ] Jin'kou > Thanks for the entertainment- it was as good as it could have been without anything `actually` happening.
[ 2008.05.05 02:23:55 ] Jin'kou > o/
[ 2008.05.05 02:23:56 ] Deirdre Morrigan > He's apparently been shamed into silence already, we just have to shame him into cardiac arrest now.
[ 2008.05.05 02:23:59 ] Alexander Nergal > back to essence for me
[ 2008.05.05 02:24:21 ] Arifel > omg that's some dying shame
[ 2008.05.05 02:24:27 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I aim to please, Jin'kou. I figure, if 1072 won't entertain others with his death, I can entertain others by dragging his reputation through a pile of shit.
[ 2008.05.05 02:24:29 ] Arifel > i want one too
[ 2008.05.05 02:24:30 ] DimeBagHo > sounds good to me
[ 2008.05.05 02:24:43 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Y'all have a good one! I'm calling it a night.
[ 2008.05.05 02:24:44 ] DimeBagHo > I think he deserves what he gets
[ 2008.05.05 02:24:51 ] Alexander Nergal > roger that
[ 2008.05.05 02:24:54 ] DimeBagHo > good day sir
[ 2008.05.05 02:25:04 ] Arifel > why can't people talk about me in local instead
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