Ranting and ranting and ranting...

May 03, 2008 16:06

For all you first-time visitors (Farlight), you may get more out of this with some background. For everyone else who sees this, enjoy!

So basically, in my space game, some assholes tried to declare war on us and ended up biting off way more than they could chew. So they backed down, and things went well for a few hours (I got one guy to agree to some 2 on 2 PvP), but then they got greedy and ended up acting like pricks. So the gloves came off and we camped them for hours. At some point, I got bored of waiting, and decided to try to taunt them into fighting. This is how that went:

[ 2008.05.01 22:39:55 ] Deirdre Morrigan > So yeah, you manage to talk Hammond into that foursome?
[ 2008.05.01 22:40:48 ] 1072 > lol : ) actaully one of you guys dishonored a 1v1.. then your ceo this time really gave his that you will honor following ones.. but I think we are not ready for that.. at least after few days sure
[ 2008.05.01 22:40:59 ] 1072 > *word
[ 2008.05.01 22:41:30 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Still... that's two out of three that we have honored... I'd take those odds!
[ 2008.05.01 22:42:50 ] Deirdre Morrigan > And chances are, since stakes are double on a 2v2, you've got twice the odds we'll honor this one!
[ 2008.05.01 22:42:57 ] 1072 > : ) well you are more brave than me..
[ 2008.05.01 22:43:09 ] 1072 > lol actually you guys honored 3 times
[ 2008.05.01 22:43:30 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Hmm... I'd be careful who you go telling that. Being less brave than a fourteen year old girl isn't exactly an admirable quality.
[ 2008.05.01 22:43:53 ] 1072 > yeah probably : )
[ 2008.05.01 22:44:55 ] 1072 > I wont take my chances yet..
[ 2008.05.01 22:45:08 ] 1072 > also dont think your guys would let me have look at outside of station
[ 2008.05.01 22:46:03 ] 1072 > there is no meaning to get popped and having a nice smack like "its war you know etc"
[ 2008.05.01 22:46:38 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Oh, sure we would! You could look all you want!
[ 2008.05.01 22:46:49 ] 1072 > : )
[ 2008.05.01 22:46:50 ] Deirdre Morrigan > /emote murmurs, "...asterisk..."
[ 2008.05.01 23:38:05 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Ekid Local Channel
[ 2008.05.02 00:57:23 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Hey there, Hammond!
[ 2008.05.02 00:58:06 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You up for some 2v2 in BCs?
[ 2008.05.02 00:59:03 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I can have my mom ask your mom if you can come out to play.
[ 2008.05.02 00:59:20 ] Han Kaidar > haha
[ 2008.05.02 00:59:23 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Maybe we could have a sleepover!
[ 2008.05.02 00:59:43 ] Deirdre Morrigan > We've got Doritos in the pantry and Mountain Dew in the fridge, Hammond.
[ 2008.05.02 01:00:51 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Oh, come on! I've been waiting all day for this!
[ 2008.05.02 01:00:55 ] Deirdre Morrigan > What's happening to us?
[ 2008.05.02 01:01:01 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You never call, you never write.
[ 2008.05.02 01:01:11 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I barely even know who you are any more.
[ 2008.05.02 01:01:36 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Dammit, Hammond! Now the silent treatment? I see how it is.
[ 2008.05.02 01:01:46 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You think I'll just go away if you ignore me long enough, is that it?
[ 2008.05.02 01:02:00 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Well, you don't know who you're dealing with!
[ 2008.05.02 01:02:08 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Us fourteen-year-old girls can be annoying FOREVER!
[ 2008.05.02 01:02:45 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Is it my new haircut? You don't like it, do you?
[ 2008.05.02 01:03:24 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Am I getting fat? I've been trying to diet lately.
[ 2008.05.02 01:03:36 ] Deirdre Morrigan > /emote stamps her feet and whines like a child.
[ 2008.05.02 01:04:09 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You're just upset because I wouldn't play Bukkake with you. That's it, isn't it?
[ 2008.05.02 01:04:23 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Well, I can change!
[ 2008.05.02 01:05:14 ] Deirdre Morrigan > If this Drake makes my butt look fat, I could get in a slimmer Rokh, or even a Caracal, if you'll like that more.
[ 2008.05.02 01:06:08 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You can even use that EM gear on me, if you've been getting bored of the kinetic. I can try it. I was just a little scared, that's all.
[ 2008.05.02 01:06:44 ] Deirdre Morrigan > What is it, Hammond? Why won't you talk to me? Why won't you just come outside to see me?
[ 2008.05.02 01:07:12 ] Deirdre Morrigan > ....oh, I know what it is.
[ 2008.05.02 01:07:21 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You've been PvPing with another girl, haven't you?
[ 2008.05.02 01:07:24 ] Deirdre Morrigan > HAVEN'T YOU?!
[ 2008.05.02 01:07:53 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Some newb trollop who will let you just walk up and down her frigate, I bet!
[ 2008.05.02 01:07:54 ] Daevalus Tirisfall > haha
[ 2008.05.02 01:08:18 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Well, I'll find out who she is, and I'll pod her ass into next Tuesday!
[ 2008.05.02 01:09:00 ] Deirdre Morrigan > And as for YOU... as for you, Hammond, then you'll see what happens when you cross me. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!
[ 2008.05.02 01:10:17 ] Deirdre Morrigan > .....are you there? Sweetie? I'm sorry I yelled at you, Hammond. Really, I am. I just... I miss you. Could you come out to say Hi, at least? Maybe we could go ratting, like old times?
[ 2008.05.02 01:11:05 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I'll let you tank, if it will make you feel more like a man.
[ 2008.05.02 01:11:28 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You can even call targets, and I'll listen to you. I will! For serious!
At this point, The Hammond signed off.
[ 2008.05.02 01:15:48 ] Deirdre Morrigan > For anyone who's been enjoying the show, this is what happens when noobs like UMUR wardec a corp without doing even basic intel.
[ 2008.05.02 01:16:15 ] Deirdre Morrigan > The Hammond has signed off like a pussy, so I'm going to go harrass his other friend in Youl. Y'all have a good one!
[ 2008.05.02 01:16:40 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Youl Local Channel
[ 2008.05.02 01:19:21 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Hey, 1072! You wanna come out and play?
[ 2008.05.02 01:20:15 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I could let you see my structure.
[ 2008.05.02 01:20:18 ] Deirdre Morrigan > /emote winks slyly.
[ 2008.05.02 01:21:06 ] Deirdre Morrigan > C'mon, don't you wanna even feel each other out in our shiny battlecruisers? Y'know... "test our alpha strikes," all of that?
[ 2008.05.02 01:22:02 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I'd love to show you how a real tank runs... hot and smooth, that's how.
[ 2008.05.02 01:22:43 ] Deirdre Morrigan > If it makes you feel safer, I'd even take you and a friend on at once... a little two on one, maybe?
[ 2008.05.02 01:23:12 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I understand that the foursome might have been intimidating... I don't blame you. It's OK, a lot of guys have performance anxiety issues when faced with new situations.
[ 2008.05.02 01:23:40 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Would it put you more in your comfort zone if another boy was there to "watch your back?"
[ 2008.05.02 01:24:10 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I'm not too much woman for you to handle. I promise!
[ 2008.05.02 01:24:23 ] Deirdre Morrigan > C'mon, 1072... just a little action, that's all I'm asking!
[ 2008.05.02 01:24:42 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Don't give me the silent treatment like Hammond did... oh. Wait.
[ 2008.05.02 01:24:46 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I think I get it now.
[ 2008.05.02 01:25:10 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You declared war on us to get us all excited... but all you really wanna do is play with that other boy, isn't that it?
[ 2008.05.02 01:25:55 ] Deirdre Morrigan > "1072 & Hammond, sittin' in a tree... ess you see kay eye en gee!"
[ 2008.05.02 01:26:27 ] Deirdre Morrigan > What, no rebuttal? Nothing to say?
[ 2008.05.02 01:26:27 ] Black Kilran > you are quite entertaining
[ 2008.05.02 01:26:45 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You know, 1072, in several courts of law, silence is regarded as assent.
[ 2008.05.02 01:26:58 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You don't want to be a homo by default, do you, 1072?
[ 2008.05.02 01:27:11 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Is that any way to show solidarity with your butt buddies?
[ 2008.05.02 01:28:00 ] Deirdre Morrigan > There's nothing wrong with liking it in the ass, 1072. Lots of boys do. That way, they don't have to worry about keeping it up, they just have to take it up the tailpipe. It's relaxing and reassuring for boys like you to be able to just let go.
[ 2008.05.02 01:28:07 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I understand.
[ 2008.05.02 01:28:40 ] Deirdre Morrigan > But if this is who you really are, you can't just keep lying to yourself. You have to come to terms with it, and then be proud of who you are!
[ 2008.05.02 01:29:10 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Sing from the rooftops, or at least in local, about how you love to have hard, hot man-meat shoved repeatedly into your colon!
[ 2008.05.02 01:29:59 ] Deirdre Morrigan > C'mon, 1072... this is no way to be. You can't hide in that station forever.
[ 2008.05.02 01:30:17 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Erm... well, technically, I guess you can. But it makes you a pussy, as well as a fag.
[ 2008.05.02 01:30:42 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Although... wait, let me check the math... gay + pussy = lesbian... and everyone knows that lesbians are hot, so...
[ 2008.05.02 01:31:08 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Oh, wait, I forgot about that shiny hood you keep over your face. Yeah, that's totally phallic.
[ 2008.05.02 01:31:21 ] Deirdre Morrigan > So I guess you're just a shy prick, that's all.
[ 2008.05.02 01:32:01 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Seriously, 1072. It doesn't have to be like this. I could sit out here and whine about how you're a big, blubbering vagina all day, but where does that get us?
[ 2008.05.02 01:32:18 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Nowhere. It doesn't get you podded, and more importantly, it doesn't get me the bounty on your head for podding you.
[ 2008.05.02 01:32:24 ] Tony Montucky > someone need Vagsil
[ 2008.05.02 01:32:58 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Well, Tony, this is what happens when noobs like UMUR declare war against far more experienced corporations without doing even basic intel.
[ 2008.05.02 01:33:11 ] Deirdre Morrigan > They get gang-raped, then camped for hours at a time.
[ 2008.05.02 01:33:22 ] Tony Montucky > he he he
[ 2008.05.02 01:33:30 ] Deirdre Morrigan > And when they refuse to come out and play, or even to acknowledge their opponents, they get harrassed in local.
[ 2008.05.02 01:33:34 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Isn't that right, 1072?
[ 2008.05.02 01:33:57 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Since you and The Hammond are so tight, I bet he told you all about how he was stuck over in Ekid, didn't he?
[ 2008.05.02 01:34:14 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I'll bet you two cried together in private chat, didn't you?
[ 2008.05.02 01:34:28 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Is that it? Are you too busy crying to type even a simple "Hello?"
[ 2008.05.02 01:34:44 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Or maybe you can't even read because the tears are blurring your eyes so much.
[ 2008.05.02 01:35:19 ] Tony Montucky > gotta go happy hunting
[ 2008.05.02 01:35:24 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Or maybe you can't even read because you're illiterate. That would explain how you failed to notice that we outclass you by... well, by enough. I know that math is over your head.
[ 2008.05.02 01:35:32 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Thanks, Tony!
[ 2008.05.02 01:35:45 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Although, it's not quite like hunting... it's more like Whack-A-Mole.
[ 2008.05.02 01:36:04 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Y'know, as soon as the little rodent shows his head, you smash it with a ten ton fucking hammer.
[ 2008.05.02 01:36:41 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Is that what you're afraid of, 1072? The inevitable shit-storm that will erupt as soon as you come outside?
[ 2008.05.02 01:37:11 ] Deirdre Morrigan > You shouldn't be afraid. I don't mean that it won't happen, I just mean that fear is bad for you.
[ 2008.05.02 01:37:31 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Fear creates a prison for your mind that you don't want to leave. It's the worst kind of imprisonment, really.
[ 2008.05.02 01:38:14 ] Deirdre Morrigan > But you know that by now, don't you?
[ 2008.05.02 01:38:29 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I bet you're regretting that war declaration now, aren't you?
[ 2008.05.02 01:39:02 ] Deirdre Morrigan > I bet you're also regretting ganking my corpmates while they were mining.
[ 2008.05.02 01:39:35 ] Deirdre Morrigan > We would have dueled with you, had some honorable fights, some good times like last night. Then the wardec would have expired, and we could have gone our separate ways.
[ 2008.05.02 01:39:50 ] Deirdre Morrigan > But no, you had to get greedy, didn't you?
[ 2008.05.02 01:39:55 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Didn't you?
[ 2008.05.02 01:40:14 ] Deirdre Morrigan > And now look where you are: hiding in a station from a fourteen year old girl in a Drake.
[ 2008.05.02 01:40:26 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Look at you, man. Just look in a mirror, will you?
[ 2008.05.02 01:40:36 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Y'know, like that stupid hood of yours. That'll do.
[ 2008.05.02 01:40:40 ] Deirdre Morrigan > What do you see?
[ 2008.05.02 01:41:06 ] Deirdre Morrigan > That's the face of fear. And it's all because you just couldn't leave well enough alone.
[ 2008.05.02 01:41:10 ] Deirdre Morrigan > Well, guess what?
[ 2008.05.02 01:41:21 ] Deirdre Morrigan > We have more pilots, more skill points, and more money than you do.
[ 2008.05.02 01:41:38 ] Deirdre Morrigan > And we always will, because we can fund this war until you quit.
[ 2008.05.02 01:41:52 ] Deirdre Morrigan > So I just have one thing to ask you, 1072. And I want you to think long and hard about it.
[ 2008.05.02 01:42:15 ] Deirdre Morrigan > After it's all over... when the dust settles... when you're through with hiding...
[ 2008.05.02 01:42:22 ] Deirdre Morrigan > After you quit EVE, can I have your stuff?
[ 2008.05.02 01:43:00 ] Deirdre Morrigan > It's OK if you're too scared to speak. I eagerly await your reply via mail.
At this poing, 1072 signed off.
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