(no subject)

Aug 06, 2008 08:55

Hehehe. I got the idea for my two last witches. :3 I'll just need to draw a sketch to see if I like it then I'll start the REAL thing: watercolor. Phew. I do not think my first witches are going to kick butt...they are certainly going to be awesome none the less. :D I hope this shop is the motivation I need to practice more and get better. :3

Btw...you ALL need to go there:http://inukistar.labrute.fr

You'll love me after you went on that link. Promise. :D

Did some photoshop practice today. Found the polygon lasso. FINALLY! I can work my lines just like I want them with that tool. This surely got that experience a bit more interesting. I...still don't get everything though. The tutorials I found so far do not explain well some concept like cleaning images, layers concept, repainting the lines and other stuff like that. I'm sooooooo close to open that gaia shop but so far at the same time. Just need to sketch the last two concepts then draw everyone x 2 (kid and adult stage) with watercolor then...paint the book in photoshop and put the right rune on the book. Hmmm... This better work. How else am I suppose to use my template? Anyway, the runes have been more or less found. I just need to make sure I assign the right rune to the right race. Phew...

In other news, I've heard everyone at work knows about my cousin!!! She worked in the same offices as them some years ago. Can you imagine that?! The world is so small, I can't believe it! At the same time, isn't it WEIRD that I found myself here? Talk about destiny. lol
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