I realized later I forgot to include two movies I saw, shortly before my injury.
Yeah, I was pretty indulgent- I saw Ralph Breaks the Internet and Crimes of Grindelwald the same evening.
The second Wreck it Ralph movie was quite good. It expands the universe already set up, and goes online. I loved the imagery created to represent the online world. It also wound up being a lot more serious than I would have thought. At any rate, it wasn't entirely clear what happened to the Sugar Rush game (I'm trying not to give away spoilers), which was a bit of a loose end.
Crimes of Grindelwald. This was a movie I walked out of enjoying, but with some nagging questions that only grew as I thought about things and researched. I'm going to reserve judgement ultimately for the remaining movies to come out, but there were two items in particular that seemed to fly in the face of canon. One is minor, but at the same time didn't need to be included, and that's the appearance of Minerva McGonagall as a teacher at the school, about four decades before she's even supposed to be born, according to previously established writings. The other concerns Credence and a big revelation at the end. Again, trying not to give away spoilers, but if you've seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about. This point I'm going to reserve judgement on until the next installments, to see how it plays out. Also, there is a character death that seems to fly in the face of canon as well, but I'll see what happens in the next movies before making any judgements. The special effects and new beasts are great. I do wonder about Queenie's character direction, not sure I like that or think it's all that believable. Again... I'll wait...