Costume-Con 25 Saturday

Mar 31, 2007 19:31

Today has been a full day, starting with panels at 9:00.  Lots of stuff today, and an idea or two popped into my head for something I want to make some day.  Some day long down the road, I think.

First panel was how to create a costume from a picture or book cover, etc.  Working out the dimensions, analyzing the construction, etc.  Saw some great covers.  Most of them were Michael Whelan's work.  Two from books by C. S. Friedman in her Cold Fire trilogy.  One by C. j. Cherryh.  I forget the other.    All I know is, the panel had me looking at the pictures in more detail than I normally would, instead of just enjoying the picture as a whole.

Second panel was about wigs.  There was talk on different wig fibers, places to order wigs, different dyeing techniques.  Styling, care of, etc.

Third panel was about evil fabrics.  Ya know, fabrics that make you want to scream in anger or despair.  Silk charmeuse or silk organza, silk velvets, and so on.  There was other stuff too.  Basically there was a lot of talk of extra pinning, weights, tissue paper, etc.  Anything that would help you grip the darn stuff for cutting or sewing.   Sometimes all you can do is sew it by hand.  There IS no other way.

One thing I learned about (and probably should know already, but I haven't been sewing for long, and I've basically just been learning by trial and error) is about the different types of needles.  I knew that the smaller the number, the more delicate the fabric it's suited for.  However, I didn't know about the different sharpnesses.  It makes sense, though, that leather or denim needles would be sharper.  It just didn't occur to me, but I think I'm now going to be searching for something other than ballpoint needles.

Fourth panel was about distressing fabrics. I didn't take as many notes as I should on that, and my memory has gone.  Ugh!  There was talk of a lot of different things though.  I just can't remember them all.  Shoot!  I'll add more later if it comes to me.

Fifth was about working with foam.  Using upholstery foam and airbrushed paint, you can produce some very realistic looking stuff from a distance.  Obviously you have to have a talent for painting, knowing how to produce the proper lighting effects and texturing, but once you know how to do that, you're in business!  I want to make Jaken one day, and I still can't decide if foam over a wire frame is the way to go, or if I'll try Wonderflex or Fosshape, but the foam could be very doable.  I'm definitely liking that idea.

Sixth was about creature costuming.  I saw some absolutely amazing pictures going from design to realized costumed aliens.  And not Star Trek type aliens where a different headpiece is used.  We're talking non-bipedal type stuff, or sea anemones, or snails leaving slime trails.  Fantastic stuff!

Last panel of the day was about kimono.  Undergarments, different types, how to wear one, etc.  Lots of terms, places to order stuff on eBay, geisha-style wig.  Amazing!  A bit overwhelming too, what with the different styles, depending on if you're married or unmarried, young or older.  How much neck to show, also dependent on marriage status, or even if you're an entertainer, like a geisha or maiko.  (hope I have that spelled right, which is basically a geisha in training)

And the day ended with the SF&F masquerade.   There were some costumes that really stood out.  Some presentations that made me laugh.  Some that left me wondering " how the hell did they do that?"  And some that made me go "oooohhhh".   One of the funniest was a woman wearing a bridal gown and corset made out of priority mail materials.  Very funny.  She looked like she was having a great time.  She got awards in both workmanship and presentation.

auroraceleste  and her Trinity Blood group got a Best in Show for workmanship, and Best Recreation in presentation.   Fantastic job!  Best in Show in presentation was entitled There and Back Again.  Best in Class for the master division was the Manticore.  Lion suit with a scorpion's tail.  Looked fantastic on the stage.

Now to see if I can get the pics on my Photobucket account.


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