Dragon*Con redux

Sep 03, 2007 22:49

*sigh*  Another Dragon*Con has come and gone.  As usual, I have very mixed emotions.  I'm happy to get some sleep now.  I'm also sad it's over, even though I'm looking forward to another year.  I need another year, just to get the costuming done I have planned.  Now that I've really been bitten by the bug, there's a lot I want to do for next year.  Woot!

OK, fun stuff.  Lots of panels.  Lots of panels, even though my schedule ended up being more flexible than usual.  I had my list of what I wanted to do, complete with alternatives, and I ended up going to other stuff than on my list several times.  That's a new one for me.

I walked in the parade for the first time, as part of Sherrilyn Kenyon's group.  So much fun!  I'm planning on doing it again next year.

This was the first year I wore costumes, really.  Costumes that I had made anyway.  Friday night I was a can-can dancer, but had to crash early.  I was melting over in the Hyatt.  I went to the Whose Line? panel, and the amount of bodies crammed in there was generating a lot of body heat.  Plus, the skirt I was wearing had a lot of insulating layers, what with the shit load of ruffles I was wearing.  I also knew I had the parade coming up the next morning, and wanted to get some sleep.

Sunday night I dressed up as a mermaid.  There was a guy who stopped me to ask for my picture.  That was a first.  Wheeee!  Wearing the corset last night also made me think about how I had constructed it (my first), and the things I wanted to do differently on the next one.  I didn't have much waist compression, and frankly, I don't want to.  But I could have comfortably gone down another inch, so I want to change things a bit.  Maybe try a sweetheart neckline too.  Glad i have a year to work on this.

This morning I finally got to a panel with Jason Momoa.  I had wanted to see him all this weekend, and I finally did.  That's what I'm talkin' about.  That man is sex on a stick.   So happy I finally got to see him.

And there were so many other things that I really enjoyed.

Now then, I also had a few complaints.  I realize that the Marriott reconstruction cut down on a lot of room that could have been utilized.  Hopefully the reconstruction will be finished next year, and we'll have those panel rooms available again, besides all the room in the Hyatt and Hilton.  What with all the people in attendance, all the rooms are needed.  Plus get some of the large panels out of the Hyatt and into the other hotels.

And on a personal note, I have no patience with drunks.  I don't drink, and don't like it when people are hanging on me.  Last night I saw more drunks than usual, and I swore one guy was either going to tip his drinks on my costume.  Or maybe puke on me.  I wasn't a happy camper.   Hoping I can avoid them next year.

Anyway, I'm tired now.  Time to sleep so I can drive back safely tomorrow.    When I remember more about the con, I'll post then.

costumes, dragoncon

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