Dec 31, 2006 17:52
i have decided my four new years resolutions!
1) try harder in school:
i am just so sick of feeling dumb all the time! With math, history, even in drama sometimes! I know I'm not dumb, I just don't try hard... I am going to try harder.
2) learn to trust again:
My ex was an ass hole... Everyones ex's are assholes pretty much, so why am I dwelling on it? I need to get over what he did, and learn that not everyone is the same and I need to teach myself to heal faster than I did.
3) build up my old confidence:
I always made a point of being the confident one. The one that would lighten the mood in a harry situation, but things changed for some reason. I'm going to re-train myself to look at the bright side of the situations, and the bright side only, so I can become my old self again.
(You may or may not like this last one, but I dont care)
4) Stop blaming God for my problems:
I gotta stop thinking its all his fault I am so fucked up, because its not. I need to learn that he can help me if I put more faith into him. No, I'm not saying Im gunna be all OCD about it, but I will bring my faith in him up again.
I wish you all a fun and semi-safe new year, and I'll see you in 2007!!!!