King Alvarez

May 02, 2004 12:10

We just got our asses handed to us. We lost to F.T. Fence 25-4. We only played 5 innings cause we were behind soo much. It sucked! The ONLY good thing I did was reach base 2 of 2 times. They were shitty singles, but I knocked in 2 RBI's. The other team was pretty big. Their first baseman was no lie 6' 5" 330lbs, atleast.

My fielding was pretty shitty, I played SS... I had maybe 10 balls come my way, I could only get my glove on 2 of them, but didn't record the out. The other 8 were out of reach. That ball comes ripping at you! The game ended in Ben hittin into a triple play. FUCK! Overall noone really did good today. Maybe next week. Boohoo. :(

-= Team Stats =-
The Chokabich's: 0-1
Week 1 Final Score: *4-25 loss to F.T. Fence

-= Player Stats =-
Week 1 Hitting: 2-2 (Single up the middle, Infield popup single)
Overall Hitting: 2-2
Batting Average: 1.000

* - 5 Inning Rule Game

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