Unite & Fight as 1

Apr 29, 2004 03:32

All I got to say is FUCK! I'm starting this trend where I type words backwards, i'm crazy as fuck I tell you. ::TIME OUT:: This song that i'm jamming to right now is fuckin "rock". It's the Supertones I know for sure... but lemme che... the name of the song is "Unite". It's damn good haha. ::TIME IN:: I was going nowhere with the typing talk.

::TIME OUT:: Now Mustard Plug is on my winamp, what the fuck. My 8,500 mp3 list contains only like 10% ska, let alone 5% ska that I like. But, two songs in a row?!?!? How dare they. Who's they? Haha. Who thought it was a good idea to put on Mustard Plug right after Supertones. Who's hand pushed that button? There must be a little guy inside my winamp program named "Kameo" that controls that shit. He's like the president I guess, he has some employees im sure to help out. BUT WHO THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO PUT KAMEO IN CHARGE!? Maybe I'll look through the file folder and give Kameo some stomach pain from a virus. That'll teach em. ::TIME IN::

I'm sittin here bored, just got back from my lovely Jenny's house. She's so hot, i'm a lucky dude to have her. I gave her a new nickname. "Cookie" Isn't that funny though? It rocks. Haha, I mentioned it to her like a couple days ago, but it really stuck on me today and i'll tell you why right now! She cut my hair earlier at her house, and did an excellent job by the way. But she just looked like a stylist of some sort with her scissors and comb, so I named her Cookie. She also put highlights in my hair too! It looks good. She did very well. Without gel though, it looks like my hair has a permanent glo, or possible it's on fire from a great distance.


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