(65) ~ a heart aint a brain, but im thinkin' that i still love you.

Oct 28, 2008 17:17

firstly, shari, (ilovessyou ) happy birthday ! *cuddlescuddles* hope you're having an awesome day so far bb 8D ♥ ! i dedicate this mini junsu/yoosu gif spam just for you ;D ♥. to start things off, who wants sexy/giggly!su? :))))

he makes my day all sparkly and giddy ♥ i love love love love him (:

&& the otp 8D♥

askldj ROFLOL.

ps. net is capped now ;< eew. renews in threedays, so.. next update will be on november first !
pps. not supposed to like this picture this much. ahh, taemin. stop. turning. me. into. a. pedo. !

cakeday, picspams are sexy, dbsk, shinee, yoosu = ultimate otp

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