Happy Fourth of July to all the Americans on my f-list!
In honor of the holiday and in the light of recent events, I recommend this entertaining offering from
Thomas Jefferson sez As for the Doctor Who companion news... I am feeling remarkably optimistic after feeling alternately disappointed and ticked off. There were some good things in the finale (including David Tennant's best acting scene since he arrived) - just not enough to balance out the really cringe-making things. But I found myself really liking Donna in "The Runaway Bride" and I think this could work well. I liked Donna for herself, for her growth, and I liked the dynamic with Ten; I hope this will mean some banter and some challenge, which we really haven't had for two years. When Martha comes back, she and Donna should make a formidable team. The Doctor can get it in stereo!
And belated happy Canada Day to the Canadians.