Census Meme

Mar 29, 2011 00:51

1971 - the year started with a bang as I was born on the 13th of Jan, and I think they decimalised in my honour :-P Probably slept a lot.

1981 - Living for the first time in Europe - home in Belgium, school in Germany. Was swimming competatively including a trip to compete with the (then) segregated Berlin - I still remember us all being scared when the armed police came on and searched the train before we could pass through.

1991 - Halfway through my BA in Music at Cardiff University, a subject that remains fiercely important to me now and without which my life would be pretty empty.

2001 - Living back in London (as an adult) in Finsbury Park with alterred  - working for a FTSE company by day and playing at being a rock star by night with D.U.S.T.

2011 - Living a complete curve-ball of a life: a responsible adult with a mortage in SE London and the most amazing daughter. Not sure how either happened but wouldn't change it for the world now. Still at the same FTSE company but have been putting plans in motion to facilitate a career change later this year. Still playing music as often as single-motherdom allows.

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