World Book Day meme

Mar 05, 2011 10:37

(stolen from morbidfrog ) with a few extra questions added!

The book(s) I am reading now:
"Wise Children" - Angela Carter
"Longitude"  Dava Sobel
"The Brothers Kazamarov" - Dostoevsky
"Flashman" - George MacDonald Fraser

Last book I read:
"Coming Up for Air" - George Orwell

Next book I will read:
"The Crimson Petal and the White" - Michael Faber

The book(s) I love most:
Too many but the main ones that spring to mind this morning are "Down and out in Paris & London" - George Orwell, "Germinal" - Zola, "The Room" - Hubert Selby Junior, "One Thousand Years of Solitude" - Gabriel Garcia Marquez, "A Day in the life of Ivan Denisovich" - Solzhenitsyn, "A Tale of Two Cities" - Dickens

The last book I received as a gift:
"The Road" by Cormac McCarthy found this a really light read despite the setting. Also got a copy of "Middlesex" by Jeffrey Eugenides which a friend passed on when she had finished.

The last book I gave as a gift:
"Great Expectation" & "David Copperfield" - Dickens and "Superman: Red Son" GN & "The Heroin Diaries" - Nikki Sixx, all for friend's birthdays

The last book I bought:
A treat-me shopping spree on a day out
"Death on Credit" - Louis-Ferdinand Celine
"Petersberg" - Andrei Bely
"Hashish, Wine, Opium " - Charles Baudelaire & Theophile Gautier
"The Village of Stepanchikovo " - Dostoevsky

Second-hand from a charity shop:
"A Suitable Boy - Vikram Seth

The nearest book:
(Not including my daughter's books) "Mid Victorian Britain 1851-70", 10p in the college library book sale.

The book I am giving away for World Book Day:
"The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime" - Mark Haddon
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