Table Of Contents

May 25, 2012 17:31

The Great Sticky Post

Hi there! This journal is my own little space to ramble about Sims, share stories, and post pictures. I love to create and decorate neighbourhoods and make my own little worlds in the Sims 2. Occasionally I'll put up something for download.
I also like to photograph and I'm trying to improve myself, so you'll find a lot of photography posts mixed in there too. Please find your way around the shop by navigating using the tags :)

A great many things have changed in my life in the past few years and I'm not posting as much as I once did; but most of my posts past and present are accessible through this great sticky list of tags and main posts I have compiled for convenience. Please also find a policy under the cut for the few things I have put up for download, for the sake of completion!

If you're here for sky recolours, please choose your flavour: { with &  without horizons}

+ SIMS (tag)+

~~ DOWNLOADS (tag)
1. Medieval-style peasant home (post)
2. Three Sims: Mertyne, Gerrie & Cadmund (post)
3. Greylings terrain (SC4 file) with river, suitable for tiny settlements (post)
4. Recolours of the NEIGHBOURHOOD SKY ( with & without horizons) (posts)

For the Sims, the house and terrain; do whatever you want as long as you give credit where credit is due, and I'd love to see pictures!
For the sky recolours it's a bit trickier, because I used and edited other people's work to make them and they are not wholly my own creation. Please see the download posts themselves for credit for the respective parts -- they all allow editing as far as I'm aware, so if you're planning to do honest things with the textures for example, I'm sure that would not give any problems -- but it's still best to be safe.

(I love to post neighbourhood pictures, see all with this tag)
1. Tinn (tag)
2. Ambleside (tag)
3. New Ambleside (tag)
4. Greylings (tag)
5. Pippangård (tag)

1. Aardappel mini-legacy (New Ambleside) (tag)
2. NLC3: Fairfoot legacy (New Ambleside) (tag)
3. Nilsson legacy (Pippangård) (tag)

Family trees (tag)

1. S2S inside/outside challenge entry (decorating) (post)
2. WIP posts on creating CC (tag)


1. A Picture A Day project (tag)
(but there's more before and after.)

1. Reading books (tag)
2. Writing novels (tag)
3. Studying Celtic Languages (tag)

The "Random" Tag (tag)

downloads, overview

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