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I'm not really fond of the whooshing sound deadlines make as they go by... I hear it too often lately! It's been more than three weeks since the last deadline of the S2S Legacy Challenge that I didn't make; which means I'm two deadlines behind. Oooops. When did that happen?
I feel like I should be disqualified, though I won't complete the challenge before August anyway... But I'll keep playing this family.
I've been sitting on these pictures for way too long already, and I realize that I'm starting to treat this as a story - that is, putting off writing because it has to be perfect. So, today I'm just going to throw this out into the world and don't think about the story aspect too much. Here we go.
Last time, which was a shamefully long time ago, we saw the second generation heir Teranika fall in love with Mertyne Cloud. She also fell in hatred (?) with Drew, who was her mother's lover. Drew was around more and more, but Adrienne hadn't realized yet she might as well marry him.
[You might also want to reread the previous chapter, in which case you'll find the links above as always. :) ]
"At some point," Daddy said, "Adrienne found herself a new love."
"How can you tell?"
"Well, she married him, eventually. He's there in the family tree. But we know that they had been very close before... Because their child was definitely conceived before the marriage date."
The shame! The scandal!
"But, as you may recall, Adrienne was also heavily pregnant with Teranika on their wedding picture! And Teranika wasn't very cautious herself. It must have been typical of the time."
Drew: I do hope her daughter won't put up a fight...
Drew: Hello.
Teranika: ...
Drew: I asked her to marry me.
Teranika: Who?
Drew: Your mum. We're engaged.
Teranika: Oh. ... In that case - are you sure those flowers aren't for me? For my funeral?
Teranika: He told me that they're engaged now. Can you believe it? What a good joke!
And so, they proceed to get married without farther loss of time.
Teranika is faithful to Mertyne... for now. But she's got many Romance wishes, and constantly wants to meet new people, et cetera.
Drew: *happy sigh* My life would be utterly complete with a baby, my dear.
Adrienne: Oh, you Family Sim. When you put it like that.. Well, your wish might be coming true sooner than you think.
Adrienne: I'll be having another baby.
Teranika: That's just disgusting.
Teamwork! Othello gets on very well with his stepfather.
And when Drew and Teranika share a breakfast conversation, the worst seems to be over. (Why they're eating fish in the morning, is beyond me!)
But Teranika still holds a bit of a grudge against her mother for hooking up with any man other than her father.
Teranika: Please. Is it impossible to just wait until I'm out of the room?
Faythe (by
im_i ) walks by sometimes, but she's too shy to knock on the door. She still isn't sure about her relationship with Othello.
Drew is very satisfied with his own efforts to bond with his stepson.
Time creeps up on Adrienne and Drew. Small wrinkles are forming, and Adrienne gets a little makeover.
Teranika is starting to show! The first sign of generation three :)
On the same day, Adrienne develops a little baby bump too. They might be getting a little older, but they're still able to take good care of their children! Even if those are the same age as their grandchildren.
[portrait shots]
Drew is such a cool step-dad.
There is a lot of this going round in this house. It's such a loving family!
Teranika puts up with him.
Always the loving couple! These two were made for eachother.
Teranika: Hello new person! Pleased to meet you. NO you may not talk to my unborn child! *spins up wishes to flirt*
(Ivan Kent is made by
Teranika: *waddles*
Look familiar? Although I think that this time he's surprised by her big belly.
Teranika: Yes, dear. You're going to be a father. It won't be long now.
Teranika: It's coming it's coming NOW!
Drew: Did the neighbours hear that?
Teranika: Oooohh..
Adrienne: What's all the fuss.. Leave a pregnant woman would you..
Teranika: The baby it wants out!
Mertyne: *pleased*
Teranika: *baby talk*
And everybody is there to see the first birth of the third generation. ^_^
Teranika even shows great mercy by letting her stepfather hold her child.
Everybody is delighted with the little one. And Drew didn't even drop her.
"They named her Idelisa," Daddy said.
"Idelisa, Idelisa. What an odd name. Our ancestors did have funny names, didn't they? Does it stand for something special?"
"It does; it's a Celtic name, and according to the family files it means 'gives freely'."
"But that must have been an eventful day - for it says right here that the other baby was born the same evening!" Daddy's son exclaimed.
"It was indeed. Drew and Adrienne's love child was born on the same day as his niece. That must have been a little odd with the upbringing, two children of different generations exactly the same age... But so it was."
"His name is Niallan," the son read. "It means 'champion'."
Updated family tree:
And again also (a piece of) the Simlish family tree that Daddy and his son refer to:
Both have grown too wide, so please click on the thumbnails to view the entire family trees.
This is how the Sims themselves know the family tree. Only names (maiden names stay even though they don't ingame, Adrienne's maiden name is Steinbeck but she's a Fairfoot when she enters into marriage with Drew Miller), heir indication asterisk, and aspirations. Sims roll for a second aspiration when they turn adult.
Thank you so much for reading!
WARNING: there's a small hundred JPG pictures in this update. Would it make up for the long silence? :D