Jan 05, 2007 14:25
So here we are in January of 07, and I've not given a great update for a looong time. So here we go:
September- Umm... met new people. It was great. Opened Cabaret and started working for Atmosphere.
October - Honda broke down on the beltway. Said new people helped me out when I had "four alcohols." I've since given up a lot of my personal drinking habits. I remember puking in the tub (it was a far easier target than the toilet and the duck is soft so it was nice to sit on while vomiting) thinking what color Rosco gel my vomit would be. Cabaret closed.
November - Got to go home to visit my family, traded in the Honda for Truday a nice new (to me) 2002 Nissan Altima, missed my first family thanksgiving but had a good Orphans Thanksgiving, and went through tech week. Opened She Loves Me.
December - Started sort of seeing someone. Got an offer to have my name touted at Atmo to get a promotion of sorts. Working a lot at Signature and Shakespeare and Arena. Doing well for myself. Stopped sort of seeing someone. Almost died at work. I was up in the grid area helping the show electrician out when I tripped on some cables the fucking carpenters fed over the dimmers. Reached out to grab the vertical support (aka hand shredder) and bruised my leg so bad I couldn't really use it for 4 days. Then I fell at Signature and injured my left leg again. It sucked. She Loves Me closed. Welcomed in the new year with peoples at Arena.
January - Well, so far this month I have found out that one of the guys I like has a girlfriend (I always knew that one of them did) and the other one is just being a total pain in the ass and I am not sure that he's worth the effort. My kitchen flooded and I'm sick. So yeah... But there is a Firefly/Serenity party on the 15th here at my place. And I am learning how to program moving lights on the Wholehog 1000, which is super sweet. Especially since I will hopefully be working more for Atmo in the spring. Andrew told me to not do a show in the spring because I will be working for Atmo more. Sweet. Then he invited me over for s'mores. It was nice.
Well I guess that's the updates that I have. I'm looking forward to Arwen and Josh's weddings in the summer, working more in the spring, and maybe, just maybe having a date for them. But I wouldn't hold your breath, because my luck with boys sucks. I mean, seriously, when you're handcuffed (with fuzzy handcuffs) on a date, and THAT doesn't register on your creepy scale... you know something is wrong.