jicama run

Jan 30, 2008 21:38

I was on my way home from work but needed to stop by the local store for the basics.  I am making healthier food choices and with that  interest I saw some recipe cards  in the produce department.  One of the recipes looked really good but required jicama which they didn't have at the time.  The kid in the produce dept told me it is seasonal but that didn't make a lot of sense; I secretly wonder if he is related to Jeremy.   I bought the other things I needed and decided to try the store northwest of my house.  Alas, they too were out of jicama.  Fortunately, they did have Asian pears which are similar in texture but a bit sweeter so I went home jicamaless but happy.  I live in a rural area without street lights and coming from the west it is easy to miss the driveway to my house in the dark, which I did.  At first I thought I would turn at the end of my street and then I thought I would drive past my friend's house one street away.  As luck would have it Kim just pulled into her driveway and her car was stopped so she could feed her horses.  I wanted to call out to her but I hesitated.  She just buried her husband last Saturday and I was afraid I might upset her.   I idled in front of her house for a minute debating with myself and then sadly drove off.  When I got home I noticed the motion sensor light on my front porch was on and I proceeded with caution.  I do not fear a human but I don't want to roll into my dark garage with a neighboring skunk or opossum thinking an automatic garage door opening must be  some sign from God to come in out of the cold.  Seeing no critters I went on in and thought no more about it until the next day.

The next day I ran into Kim and she made a comment about the top I was wearing.  She asked me if that was the top I was air drying on the hanger on the wine rack in my living room.  That comment scared the hell out of me...how did she know that?  It turns out she was feeling down and lonely that evening so she brought some tea over hoping I would share a cup with her.   She looked through my living room window and said it looked so warm and inviting she even tried the front door to see if it was open.  She left and I ended up following her home without realizing it.  She was the one who turned on my porch light.  I hope she comes over again and I hope I am home to greet her.

Moral of story?  Keep jicama at home. I never know when I might need it ; )
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