Fic: Pains of the Past (Harry/Lance)

Feb 05, 2012 11:41

Title: Pain of the Past, Be Healed
Author: loonie_lupin (ff. net)/nilitara (livejournal)
Fandom: HP, Bones
Rating: PG
Summary: Lance thought the end had come for them all, when they were taken hostage, by wizards.
For: crossovers100
Prompt: 070. Storm
Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective creator. I own nothing.

070. Storm.

Of all the way he had imagined for the Jeffersonian team and Agent Booth to discover who it was that he was in a relationship with, Lance had never dreamt it would be quite so dramatic.

Harry had begun working for the FBI a while ago now and, while Sweets was not a hundred percent sure what his job entailed exactly, he knew it was very special. Harry had told him he had a domain of predilection that he worked with but had not told him what it was. He had said that he would, one day, reveal to him the exact nature of his capacities, even though it was expressly forbidden by the government - apparently Harry didn’t give a damn about rules, as long as he thought he was doing the right things - but he wasn’t ready yet for the lot of questions it would bring. He had promised it would be soon though.

Lance had not pushed him. He knew Harry wasn’t lying when he was saying he would tell him one day and Lance was aware that it was a big deal. After all, he had asked around and had quickly realized no one knew what Harry was going and the very few higher up who did always told him it was a hell of a secret that they could not reveal.

Except that now, Sweets was beginning to think that he would never have the occasion to be told what it was that his boyfriend was doing, or any of the secrets in Harry’s past he had been promised, because he wasn’t sure whether or not he was going to survive, or even if Harry himself would make it to the end of the day because the case they were working on had gone downhill pretty quickly.

Agent Booth, the whole Jeffersonian team and himself were all locked up in the Institute. They had no way of contacting the outside and they were absolutely unable to fight back, even Booth, because of magic.

Even in his thought, it seemed absolutely ridiculous. Magic.

All the scientist, himself included, were disbelieving in the face of evidence and Booth, well, Booth was actually taking it pretty well all things considered because he already believed the religious part of the supernatural, so why not magic.

Sweets just couldn’t believe it. Except that that he had no choice because you can’t not believe when the proof was just in front of you and he did have proof because these kidnappers… yeah, these kidnappers that were holding them hostage, were doing things that were supposed to be impossible without breaking a sweat and damn, it was way too weird.

That wasn’t what was terrifying Lance. The problem was that these kidnappers were beginning to talk about people outside the Institute, people they intended to hurt to keep them in line and making them work. Of course, the moment they started mentioning it, Lance knew Harry was included in the lot.

Harry, who was going to be hurt because of Lance. That was not what he wanted. He wanted Harry safe, or at least as safe as you could be working for the FBI. However, it seemed it was not meant to be. And the moment Harry’s name was mentioned, Lance knew he couldn’t hide his boyfriend from the team anymore. It really had not been the way he had envisioned telling them.

He had to admit, though, had the moment not been so dire, their face would have been funny. Booth and Brennan had been joking about a new relationship during their therapy session but know, they had their answer even if it had not been the one they had expected. Of course, the Kodak moment didn’t make it easier knowing his boyfriend was in danger because of him.

Their tormentors were on a roll right now, explaining to them in the most excruciating details what was going to happen from then on. Because they had no way of fighting against magic, Lance knew there had no way of preventing it and he just wanted it to end. He wasn’t good in that kind of situation. He had wanted to try to reason with them but they had made him shut up pretty quickly and he just didn’t know what to do anymore. He wanted it to end, if possible before he had to see Harry being capture because he didn’t think he could handle it.

And what could they do? How could they get out of there? They had been some talk on the others’ part, Booth trying to find a solution, but they were all coming empty ended and Lance didn’t want to hear their plans being shot down one after the other anymore, he wanted to be cut off from reality. There was a reason he worked better in an office than on the field.

Except that the moment everything seemed lost, the moment they had all resigned themselves about their fate, their saving grace came. Apparently, people in FBI knew about magic and knew exactly who to send to their help. And apparently, the best candidate for that had been Harry, Lance thought faintly as he watched his boyfriend coming in, wand blazing.

Full story

Prompt table 

fic: pains of the past be healed, crossover: hp/bones, crossovers100, character:harry potter, pairing: harry/lance

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