Fic: Pains of the Past (Harry/Lance)

Feb 05, 2012 11:39

Title: Pain of the Past, Be Healed
Author: loonie_lupin  (ff. net)/nilitara (livejournal)
Fandom: HP, Bones
Rating: PG
Summary: Booth and Brennan try their hands at psychoanalysis.
For: crossovers100
Prompt: 008. Weeks
Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective creator. I own nothing

008. Weeks.

“You seem unusually happy lately, Sweets,” Booth said with curiosity as he once again avoided a question asked by the psychologist before turning to Brennan. “Don’t you think he seems unusually happy, Bones?”

She immediately nodded vigorously.

“Yes, he does,” she confirmed, accepting to play the same game they often did with Sweets when they were forced to come to his office.

Sweets twisted a little in his seat, ill at ease with where the conversation was going and knowing that it was exactly what his patients wished.

“I’m no more happy than usual. I don’t see why I shouldn’t be happy. But we aren’t talking about me at the moment.”

Booth didn’t see too convinced by the explanation, knowing exactly what had his psychologist in such a good mood, but it was Brennan who answered.

“A few weeks ago, you were upset because Daisy dumped you,” she said with her usual tact. “You shouldn’t be so happy now, unless something else happened.”

Booth nodded, showing he was thinking the exact same thing.

“I got over it, which is what any normal person does after a separation. There is a period of mourning what could have been and then life begin to get back to normal. I don’t see why it should be any different for me.”

“The mourning period was not long enough, not when you were so in love with her and she was the one who decided to break up. So I think something happened. Or someone…”

“Agent Booth, Doctor Brennan, we are not here to talk about me or my private life. We are here to talk about you so why don’t we get back on topic.”

“Ahah!” Brennan exclaimed, nearly jumping of her seat. “There is someone, that’s why you cut a this place. See Booth, I can realize these things too,” she said, proud to have caught on this.

Booth nodded.

“I think we have spent way too much time with Sweets here if you have been able to tell that.”

Sweets sighed internally. He knew his two patients would do anything they could not to be forced to talk about themselves and their feeling during their therapy. It was annoying and, quite frankly, not very valuing for himself. Sometimes he wondered if he was wasting his time trying to get them to cooperate but he would not let go, he could not let go. Booth and Brennan were not only his patients, but very interesting people and he liked having an in with the group at the Jeffersonian. He just wished they would respect his job as he did theirs.

And that they would not begin discussion his life when they were supposed to discuss theirs.

“We were supposed to talk about what happened during the last case, not my private life,” he tried once more to redirect the conversation back on the original topic, even though he was not sure what that topic was anymore, but his two stubborn patients were not to be deterred once they had smelled a rat.

“So you admit you have a private life,” Booth said once again, almost as if he was interrogating a suspect.

“I never denied having a private life, Agent Booth, and I do have someone in my life at the moment since it seems so important for you to know. It’s not someone you have met and it has nothing to do with the issue at hand. Now, please, can we go back to what we were discussing before.”

He was slowly losing his calm and he knew it. He had never meant to admit to having someone in his life, not when he liked to be able to keep this person just for himself, but he knew they would have gone on bugging him until he admitted to it, be it during their therapy time or outside. They were too curious for their own good and, more often than not, he was their victim.

He was going to once again ask the dreaded question, hoping against all odd to have, this time, an answer but Booth’s cell phone rang and he knew that it was going to be the end of the session for today. There was no way Booth and Brennan were not going to use this as a way to get out of the office. He could barely repress the sigh.

“Well, job’s calling,” Booth exclaimed, a happy smile on his face, not even bothering to pretend to be apologetic, not that Sweets would have fallen for it anyway.

A few seconds later and he was all alone in his office, once again wondering why he was bothering with these two people he liked to call friends. Oh, well, at least he had finished early. He could call Harry to ask to meet him sooner, he reflected with a smile of his own

Full story

Prompt table 

fic: pains of the past be healed, crossover: hp/bones, crossovers100, character:harry potter, pairing: harry/lance

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