HP/SPN: Touched by an Angel (Harry/Castiel)

Mar 09, 2010 17:34

Title: Touched by an Angel (XXV)
Author: nilitara
Fandom: HP, SPN
Rating: PG
Charaters: Harry, Castiel 
Summary: Harry and Castiel talk about Sam's powers.
For: crossovers100
Prompt: 075. Shades.
Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective creator. I own nothing.

Touched by an Angel - Main entry

075. Shades.

Things had finally calmed for the very first time since Harry met up with the Winchester and Bobby and reunited with Castiel. He was tired - he had to admit that he had lost the habits of keeping awake for so long, with so many things happening in so little time, in the months that had followed the last stand at Hogwarts - but he couldn’t go to sleep right now, not when he finally had the chance to talk to Castiel alone.

The angel was waiting for him just outside the door of Bobby’s house. He had known Harry was going to come to him and that the wizard would rather talk to him outside, where there was a lot less chance of someone overhearing the conversation. They may not have seen each other in quite a while, it didn’t mean that Castiel had forgotten all about Harry and the way he thought, even if he had changed.

Harry sat down by Castiel’s side on the steps of the house.

“Hey!” he said quietly, knowing the angel would have known of his appearance since the moment he had stepped outside, if not even before.

“Hello, Harry,” Castiel answered, turning to him with the smile that had always made Harry feel warm inside, for as long as he remembered. “I still cannot believe my Lord has lifted the punishment.”

Castiel admitted it with a wistful look. He had known for a very long time that his offense had been forgive, the Lord was forgiving, but he had never thought the punishment would end before Harry was in his last home.

“I think He knew from start it wasn’t going to last until my last day on Earth. Something tell me that my dying and coming back had been planned from start.”

Castiel nodded. He knew that Harry was right. The Lord had known that Harry had a great destiny awaiting him - Uriel had told him that the night he had given him his mission - and while a lot of what happened to human beings was determined by free will, and therefore unpredictable, some things were bound to happen and Harry’s miraculous resurrection was probably one of them.

“You have chosen to put yourself in another war,” Castiel stated and he was still a bit surprised about it even thought he knew that Harry would never have been able to stand by or walk away to see innocents die without doing anything to help. “Wouldn’t you have preferred a quiet life?”

Harry shrugged.

“I’m not really sure I’m made for a quiet life,” Harry admitted. “I think I wouldn’t last very long before getting bored. Beside, someone obviously wanted me there. I watched so much of Sam and Dean’s lives that I couldn’t not help them. They are so brave, so determined to make things right. They are great people and I think… I think I will enjoy working with them.”

Castiel smiled. Yes, that sounded like the Harry he had known when he was a kid. Yet, he also knew that while the young wizard was right about Dean being all that, Sam was walking a dangerous path. Oh, he also all of these things Harry mentioned but he wasn’t sure things were going to stay that way if he went on using his powers. He said at much to Harry.

He was in for a surprise when it turned out the young man didn’t seem to agree with him.

“I mean, don’t get me wrong. I know that powers can corrupt and that Sam’s powers come from a demon but, in the end, it’s not where they come from that’s important, at least not since he didn’t go looking for them. What matters is how he use them, the intent he has when he does.”

Harry knew that, he knew that better than anyone after what he had seen, after what he had done. Castiel was an angel and, as such, lived in absolute. If your power came from God himself, they could only be good but from a demon? That meant evil. And while Castiel didn’t think Sam was evil, Harry realized he thought the man was on the path to become just that because he refused to stop using his powers and had a demon showing him how.

“Harry, you don’t know that. He will fall if he continue to use them.”

Harry shook his head.

“Not necessarily. There is a risk, yes, but Sam is perfectly aware of it and, from what I’ve seen, his careful. These powers are a part of him, whether he wants it or not. He can use them, he just has to be careful. We all have the potential to be evil,” Harry continued, the ‘we’ being the human race of course. “No matter what powers we have or not, but it’s a choice in the end. And for now, Sam is choosing the right path, with full use of his abilities. He use them for good. That’s what matters.”

“These powers are evil, they come from the demons,” Castiel argued, surprised at Harry’s vehemence and his speech.

Of course, he knew that he didn’t really know the young wizard anymore, not after all these years. He had disappeared at a point in Harry’s life were changes were inevitable, even more considering the war he had been thrown into. He didn’t know what had happened in his life that would have shaped his system of beliefs a whole new way, even if he still knew his soul. There were events that had defined him that he ignored completely and he had a feeling he was going to learn about some of them very soon.

“Do you think I’m evil, Castiel? Or that I’m on the path of becoming evil?” Harry asked.

He already knew the answer to his question of course. The answer would be no. Harry knew Castiel couldn’t see him as evil, not only because he knew him far too well but also because of the pendant that would subdue any doubt anyone may have.

“Of course not!” Castiel exclaimed, not believe his protégé would ask him that. “Harry, your powers… It’s different and you know it.”

Harry nodded.

“Yes, I know that. But I’m not talking about my powers in general. I’m talking about some of the things I’ve had to do in order to kill Voldemort and ensure he stayed dead. I’m talking about days spent looking through the darkest book you can imagine. I’m talking about having to use one of the most dangerous necromancy ritual known to be able to walk into hell and not be bothered by demons. I’m talking about surrounding myself with a magic so dark even the devil himself would be frightened”.

Harry stopped for a second, looking at Castiel who seemed shell-shocked and more than a little paler than usual. Of course, Harry knew the reason for his shock. It seemed to unlike the boy he had been when fourteen. Of course, that was a long time ago and he would never be that boy again but, for Castiel, there hadn’t be any transition.

“I’ve done these things. I’ve done them, reluctantly, but it hasn’t changed me. I’m still on the good side. I’m still fighting on the same side as you. Yes, I’ve used powers and spells that would make Sam’s powers seem ridiculously harmless. It’s not your abilities that make you good or evil, it’s your choices,” he said, remembering the words of an old wizard. “Sam is trying his best to make sure no one dies and he uses his powers for that single reason. He’s not going to become evil, not as long as he can remember that, not as long as there are people around him that remind him of who he is.”

Harry finished his speech and quiet down, waiting for Castiel to react.

“You were in hell. I… I went there to get Dean out and I felt…. I felt as if you were close to me and I thought it was strange, just wishful thinking on my part, but you were actually there, at the same time.”

Harry thought back about that day and realized it must have been the reason the pendant had seemed to warm, because Castiel was just nearby and he nodded.


Castiel closed his eyes.

“I get what you mean and I know that you are right but Sam is sliding down a dark path. Ruby is not the right choice for a teacher.”

Harry could understand that. Learning how to use these powers from a demon, no matter how good-willed Ruby seemed to be at the moment, was just asking for trouble.

“Then we will teach him. I can, I know how to use powers that resemble his and you can watch over, make sure he isn’t falling. But he has to use them. They are a part of him, and that’s not going to change anytime soon.”

Castiel smiled at that, recognizing Harry’s stubbornness and knowing there was no way he would change the young wizard’s mind. He realized he didn’t really mind. Of course, Harry would be a better teacher for Sam than Ruby could ever be. And, as for the rest of Harry’s revelation, they would have to talk about it but only after the young wizard got some sleep because he could see the tiredness into the two green orbs.

“You should go to sleep, Harry,” Castiel said. “We will have time to talk tomorrow.”

Harry looked at Castiel and acquiesced. Yes, they had all the time in the world now.

crossover:hp/spn, crossovers100, character:harry potter, pairing:harry/castiel, fic:touched by an angel

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